African American Fiction: A Digital Anthology: Collection of African American fiction, 1850-1929

Fictional works we aim to incorporate into this site

Adams, ClaytonEthiopia: the Land of Promise; A Book With a Purpose1917Fiction
Anderson, William and Walter H. StowersAppointed: An American Novel1894Fiction
Andrews, W.T.A Waif--A Prince; or, A Mother's Triumph1895Fiction
Ashby, William M.Redder Blood1915Fiction
Bennett, JohnMadam Margot, a Grotesque Legend of Old Charleston1917Fiction
Blackson, Lorenzo D.Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms of Light and Darkness: Or, The Reign of the Kings Alpha and Abedon"1867Fiction
Brown, William WellsClotel; Or, the President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States1853Fiction
Bruce, John EdwardAwakening of Hezekiah Jones1916Fiction
Burgess, Marie LouiseAve Maria, A Tale1895Fiction
Chesnutt, CharlesThe House Behind the Cedars1900Fiction
Chesnutt, CharlesThe Marrow of Tradition1901Fiction
Chesnutt, CharlesThe Conjure Woman1899Fiction
Chesnutt, CharlesThe Colonel's Dream1905Fiction
Coleman, Lucretia H.N.Poor Ben, A Story of Real Life1890Fiction
Cotter, Joseph S.Negro Tales1912Fiction
Delany, Martin R.Blake, or the Huts of America1859Fiction
Detter, ThomasNellie Brown; Or, The Jealous Wife1871Fiction
Douglass, FrederickThe Heroic Slave1853Fiction
Downing, Henry F.The American Cavalryman: a Liberian Romance1917Fiction
Dreer, HermanThe Immediate Jewel of His Soul, A Romance1919Fiction
Du Bois, W.E.B.Quest of the Silver Fleece1911Fiction
Du Bois, W.E.B.Dark Princess1928Fiction
Dunbar-Nelson, AliceThe Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories1899Fiction
Dunbar, Paul LaurenceThe Uncalled1898Fiction
Dunbar, Paul LaurenceThe Strength of Gideon and Other Stories1900Fiction
Dunbar, Paul LaurenceThe Love of Landry1900Fiction
Dunbar, Paul LaurenceThe Fanatics1901Fiction
Dunbar, Paul LaurenceThe Heart of Happy Hollow1904Fiction
Durham, John StephensDiane, Princess of Haiti1902Fiction
Ellis, George WashingtonThe Leopard's Claw1917Fiction
Fauset, Jessie RedmonPlum Bun1928Fiction
Fauset, Jessie RedmonThere is Confusion1924Fiction
Fisher, RudolphThe Walls of Jericho1928Fiction
Fleming, Sarah Lee BrownHope's Highway1918Fiction
Fowler, Charles H.Historical Romance of the American Negro1902Fiction
Franklin, James ThomasCrimson Alters; Or, A Minister's Sin1895Fiction
Fullilove, MaggieWho Was Responsible?1919Fiction
Fulton, David BryantHanover, or the Persecution of the Lowly: A Story of the Wilmington Massacre1899Fiction
Gilmore, F. GrantThe Problem: A Military Novel1915Fiction
Gilmore, James R.Among the Pines, or South in Secession-Time1862Fiction
Grant, John WesleyOut of the Darkness: Or, Diabolism and Destiny1909Fiction
Griggs, Sutton E.Imperium in Imperio: A Study of the Negro Race Problem1899Fiction
Griggs, Sutton E.Overshadowed1901Fiction
Griggs, Sutton E.Unfettered1902Fiction
Griggs, Sutton E.The Hindered Hand: or The Reign of the Repressionist1905Fiction
Griggs, Sutton E.Pointing the Way1908Fiction
Harper, Frances, E.W.Iola Leroy, Or Shadows Uplifted1893Fiction
Harper, Frances, E.W.Minnie's Sacrifice1867Fiction
Harper, Frances, E.W.Sowing and Reaping, A Temperance story1876Fiction
Harper, Frances, E.W.Trial and Triumph1889Fiction
Hopkins, PaulineContending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South1900Fiction
Hopkins, PaulineTalma Gordon1900Fiction
Hopkins, PaulineHagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice1901Fiction
Hopkins, PaulineOf One Blood, Or The Hidden Self1902Fiction
Hopkins, PaulineWinona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest1902Fiction
Johnson, Amelia E.The Hazeley Family1894Fiction
Johnson, Edward AugustusLight Ahead for the Negro1904Fiction
Johnson, FentonTales of Darkest America1920Fiction
Johnson, Henry T.Key to the Problem; or, Tale of a Sable City1904Fiction
Johnson, James WeldonAutobiography of an Ex-Colored Man1912Fiction
Jones, J. McHenryHearts of Gold1896Fiction
Jones, Joshua HenryBy Sanction of Law1924Fiction
Jones, YorkeThe Climbers: A Story of Sunkissed Sweethearts1912Fiction
Jordan, MosesThe Meat Man: A Romance, of Life, of Love, of Labor1923Fiction
Larsen, NellaQuicksand1928Fiction
Larsen, NellaPassing1929Fiction
Liscomb, Harry F.The Prince of Washington Square1925Fiction
McClellan, George MarionOld Greenbottom Inn and Other Stories1906Fiction
McKay, ClaudeHome to Harlem1928Fiction
McKay, ClaudeBanjo1929Fiction
Micheaux, OscarThe Forged Note: A Romance of the Darker Races1915Fiction
Micheaux, OscarThe Homesteader1917Fiction
Nash, Theodore Edward DelafayetteLove and Vengeance, or Little Viola's Victory1903Fiction
Shackelford, Otis M.Lilllian Simmons, or The Conflict of Sections1915Fiction
Spencer, Mary EttaThe Resentment1921Fiction
Steward, T.G.A Charleston Love Story, Or Hortense Vanross1899Fiction
Thurman, WallaceThe Blacker the Berry1929Fiction
Tracy, Robert ArcherSword of Nemesis1919Fiction
Walker, Thomas H. B.J. Johnson; Or The Unknown Man: An Answer to Mr. Thom. Dixon's Sins of the Fathers1915Fiction
Walker, Thomas H. B.Revelation, Trial and Exile of John Epics1912Fiction
Walrond, EricTropic Death1926Fiction
Waring, Robert L.As We See It1910Fiction
Webb, Frank J.The Garies and their Friends1857Fiction
White, Walter F.The Fire in the Flint1924Fiction
White, Walter F.Flight1926Fiction
Wilson, HarrietOur Nig, or, Sketeches from the Life of a Free Black1859Fiction
Young, James L.Helen Duval, A French Romance1891Fiction
Chesnutt, CharlesThe Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line1899Fiction, Nonfiction
Micheaux, OscarThe Conquest: The Story of a Negro Pioneer1913Fiction, Nonfiction
Dunbar-Nelson, AliceViolets and Other Tales1895Fiction, Poetry
Toomer, JeanCane1923Fiction, Poetry
Locke, AlainThe New Negro: an Interpretation1925Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction