
Basic Benefits of Marketing Automation To Your Business

Marketing automation, like any other digital marketing tactics, involves the use of technology to streamline marketing operations.

Business Efficiency

It involves the use of marketing software to automate marketing operations. And it serves functions such as marketer’s workload load reduction, personalization of marketing, and support of marketing strategies. Some of the repetitive marketing tasks which are automatable include content posting, messaging, email campaigns, chats, and data analysis.

The goal of marketing automation is to increase revenue, improve customer’s satisfaction, and optimize marketer’s performance.

Marketing automation is now one of the essential strategies in businesses.

What Is Marketing Automation?

Increase in Revenue

The automation of repetitive tasks and the time accrued to marketers should lead to a slight increase in profits. Another way marketing automation helps to increase profits is through re-targeting. You can set auto ads or product recommendations to customers with information on what they can purchase. The information or the ads are tailored based on their previous purchases or website searches.

Re-marketing increases rates of up-selling and cross-selling, which can lead to more sales and an increase in revenue.

Customer Service

Marketing automation through chat services helps to reduce bounce rates and dissatisfied customers. The software tracks every moment a visitor spends on the website and can alert you about a client before they go offline.

You can use the alerts to chat with your customer and convince them to make a purchase or solve one of the problems. An example of that tool is Edufficient. Learn more about it at

Marketing automation is also used to send customized emails to customers who abandon their carts when shopping online. The message can include contents of what the client wanted plus discounts if the client completes the order.

Tracking Growth and Data Optimization

Businesses which use data in measuring performance and planning have the upper hand when making decisions. Their decisions factor in actual numbers, and they tend to be precise.

Marketing Automation

Marketing software can collect data from the web and provide businesses with reliable performance trends. Companies can use such data to tweak their marketing strategy or scrap marketing campaigns with poor ROIs.


The goal of every business is to operate at minimal cost and optimize revenue. Marketing automation tools cut time-consuming and redundant tasks, which leads to quicker services to customers.

Elimination of such tasks can mean the staff undertaking them before automation is not needed anymore.


Marketing automation software can track client’s behavior, product, and content behaviors. Businesses use the information to create customer-tailored messages to sell more to the client or build loyalty.