African American Fiction: A Digital Anthology: Collection of African American fiction, 1850-1929

African American Fiction: A Digital Anthology (Home)

This site is a collection prose works by African American writers. All texts are in the public domain. 

The texts here are linked to our Open Access Literature Corpus, where they are all available in TXT file format.

The goal of the present Scalar project is to present all 92 novels in our literature corpus, along with short fiction published in periodicals throughout the period. We'll also include relevant nonfiction essays that might be important to researchers working on these topics. 

A list of the works we're aiming to include can be found here.

Our long-term goal is to present clean versions of each text with annotations, summaries, author biographies, and various thematic tags to indicate groupings (for instance: the "tragic mulatto" trope; travel and adventure narratives; passing narratives; racialized violence, etc). 

This site is a sister project to African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology


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