Keeping in Touch: An Anthology of the Victorian SeanceMain MenuIntroductionFurther ReadingI - Spiritualism and Its BelieversII - Ambivalent SkepticsIII - Scoffers and FraudsIV - The Private SeanceV - The Public SeanceWork CitedMegan Brueningb3bbdc9bd1941527cc9ff27849ef1a643abdd7d3
12016-11-23T12:44:10-05:00A Report on Spiritualism3plain2016-12-16T21:09:29-05:00The Committee of the London Dialectical Society debated spiritualism with regularity, and the text below is just one report from their many meetings. The article describes various encounters committee members have had in séance settings with particular emphasis on the abilities of spirits to interact with the physical world. What is interesting about this piece is the variety of voices it contains: spiritualism was a matter of public debate not only for journalists, but for doctors, scientists from various fields, and even for educated noblemen.