African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

Exploring Datasets related to African American poetry

As this site has grown, we have begun using this site to collect and interpret data related to African American poetry. There are two major 'angles' on the poetry we've been exploring: 

1) African American Periodical Poetry (1900-1928). In 2023-2024, this project was supported by a grant from the Mozilla Foundation that allowed us to hire a graduate RA (Kate Hennessey), whose contributions enabled a significant increase in the amount of periodical poetry included on the Anthology. We created a faily comprehensive spreadsheet of African American periodical poetry, with attributes listing venue of publication, date of publication, editors, and poetic form, among other things. 

At the present moment, that dataset is housed here. It can be downloaded by users. Please see the "Data Essay," "How to Use," "Discussion and Activities" for ideas about how to use this dataset effectively. 

2. Published books by African American Poets. We've also compiled a dataset based on Dorothy Porter's North American Negro Poets: A Bibliographical Checklist 1760-1944  (1945). Porter's Checklist, which is in turn a revision of Arthur Schomburg's 1916 Bibliographical Checklist, is close to a comprehensive account of all books of poetry published by Black authors during these years.

Dorothy Porter was a groundbreaking librarian who worked at Howard University; there is a helpful profile of her accomplishments by Zita Nunes at Smithsonian Magazine.

From Porter's list, I have been working with just the years 1850-1944, since those are closer to my own area of historical emphasis, and have converted it to spreadsheet form. Here and there I have found a couple of items Porter appears to have missed; I have added in entries to the dataset in those instances.  

Having access to all of the texts from a limited historical period might allow us to look at Black poetry without the constraints of editorial filters and academic tradition. This 'macro-look' effectively gives us the ability to reset our understanding of the material. With African American poetry, that might entail decentering the 'Harlem Renaissance' as an endpoint, along with the best-known names from the 1920s. Some of what's entailed in the reset might be quantitative (i.e., analysis at scale), though we'll also endeavor to make interpretive assessments from reading the poetry itself (as much of it as we can). A few preliminary questions I have go as follows: 

Contents of this path: