The Kiplings and India: A Collection of Writings from British India, 1870-1900

Editorial Team

As of summer 2016, "The Kiplings and India: A Collection of Writings From British India" is being developed by a team of three scholars at Lehigh University. 

Amardeep Singh teaches in the English department at Lehigh University. His first book, Literary Secularism: Religion and Modernity in Twentieth Century Fiction, explored the representation of secularization in modern British and South Asian fiction. He has published essays on writers such as Forster and Tagore in various scholarly journals, and has maintained a scholarly blog for more than a decade, which can be viewed here. Professor Singh visited the Sussex Kipling archives in 2012 and has been steadily researching the Kiplings and late Victorian Indian social movements for the past several years. He can be reached at amsp AT lehigh DOT edu. 

James McAdams is a Ph.D. candidate in English at Lehigh University, where he also teaches and co-edits the university's creative arts journal, Amaranth.  James' fiction, creative non-fiction, and academic essays have been published in numerous venues, including Kritikos, Readings: A Journal for Scholars and Readers, Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, decomP, and Superstition Review, among others.  His dissertation, entitled " 'A Psychiatrist is the God of Our Age': Contemporary American Fiction and the Postmodern Critique of Psychiatry," explores how recent novels critique, parody, and depict alternatives to America's dominant biochemical psychological paradigm.  His creative and academic work can be viewed in full here and he can be reached at jtm211 AT lehigh DOT edu.  

Sarita Mizin is a Ph.D. candidate in English at Lehigh University, an American Institute of Indian Studies language fellow in Bangla, and the Assistant Director of Residence Life in the Iacocca Institute's Global Village international education program. She is especially interested in nineteenth-century literary exchanges between India and the United States through figures like Pandita Ramabai, Tagore, and Kipling. Her dissertation, "Feminism on the Move: Literary Transnationalism in Fin de Siécle Women's Politics," follows writers from India, South Africa, Canada, and the United States around the globe as they produced and curated literary knowledge in the first-wave international women's movement. She tweets @PosttheColony and can be reached at som212 AT lehigh DOT edu.