Visions of America: Public Representations of the United States Circulating in India from 1870-1900Main MenuVisions of AmericaRepresentations of America in India from 1880-1910IntroductionProject VisionIndian Newspaper ArticlesTimelineTags and TrendsTour content by major themesRadial VisualizationGrid VisualizationAdam Heidebrink-Brunodda1366ced630ae12c01119b6003cad348b8379cMareesa Miles07f5b1d62871cea403a104a2f291b405512e6016
Freemen at Home, Autocrat Abroad
12017-04-22T23:50:10-04:00Mareesa Miles07f5b1d62871cea403a104a2f291b405512e6016825plain2017-05-04T14:10:59-04:00Mareesa Miles07f5b1d62871cea403a104a2f291b405512e6016In its new character as an imperial country, America is naturally in need of the advice of Englishmen, who are preeminently the most imperial race in the world. Naturally, therefore, Englishmen with an Indian experience are just now very much in evidence in America. Rudyard Kipling has given his advice, but that has not in any way compromised England, nor has the advice of Mr. Jardine done any damage to the reputation of his country. But the utterances of Brigadier-General Cummins of Madras are likely to do immense harm in that direction as would appear from an article in the Chicago Citizen. General Cummins is just now telling the Americans how to deal with Eastern people. Mr. Kipling says that White men should bear the burden of colored people, but General Cummins has a quite different advice to give. He said, says the Chicago paper, as he lighted his cheroot, "If opposition shows itself in the East it must be crushed. Strike hard and remorselessly if you have to strike. When you encounter an armed enemy you must slay and slay and slay until all opposition is overborne." He announced himself as being in charge of Madra; and the American paper naturally exclaims that, if such an official is in charge of Madras, "God help the unhappy millions who groan and bleed beneath the barbarous sway of this 'modern scourge of God.' How little sympathy the world has for their sufferings under the cruel rule of the 'wrong type of men' of which this fellow Cummins is a fair specimen!"
From The Amrita Bazar Patrika. May 11, 1899. Page 3.