Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance: Visualizing Magazines, Editors, and Poems

Lewis Alexander (Editor and Author)

From the author's bio in Countee Cullen's Caroling Dusk: 

"LEWIS ALEXANDER was born July 4, 1900, at Washington, D. C. He was educated in the public schools of Washington and at Howard University where he was a member of the Howard Players. He has also studied at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the Ethiopian Art Theatre for the season 1922-1923 playing in Salome and The Comedy of Errors on Broadway. As the result of a recent tour of North and South Carolina he edited in May 1927 the Negro Number of the Carolina Magasine. He has been writing poetry since 1917, specializing in Japanese forms. Two Little Theatre groups in Washington, The Ira Aldridge Players of the Grover Cleveland School and the Randall Community Center Players have been under his direction."

Poets.org bio here

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