African American Poetry (1870-1928): A Digital Anthology

Blanche Taylor Dickinson, "That Hill" (1927)

That Hill
This poem won honorable mention in THE CRISIS contest of 1926.

It crawled away from ’neath my feet,
And left me standing there;
A little at a time, went up
An atmospheric stair.

I couldn’t go for watching it,
To see where it would stop;
A tree sprang out and waved to me
When it had reached the top.

The tree kept nodding friendly like,
Beckoning me to follow;
And I went crawling up and up,
Like it did from the hollow.

Then I saw why the thing would go
A-soaring from the dell—
T’was nearing Heaven every bound,
And fleeing fast from Hell!

Published in The Crisis, January 1927

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