Claude McKay's Early Poetry (1911-1922): A Digital Collection

Harlem Shadows: Claude McKay's Early Poetry

Welcome to Harlem Shadows: Claude McKay's Early Poetry. This site began as a collaborative WordPress project put together by students in Amardeep Singh and Ed Whitley’s Introduction to the Digital Humanities (Fall 2015) graduate seminar, based on an idea developed by Amardeep Singh. The site has evolved since fall 2015 and been reworked for the Scalar platform; it now offers a digital edition of McKay’s early poems from Harlem Shadows (1922), as well as political poetry published in various British and American magazines from the 1910s and 20s not included in that volume. The aim is to use Scalar's visualization techniques to show relationships between the poems McKay was writing in the very fertile period between 1916 and 1922 that might not otherwise be apparent.

Claude McKay is an unsung poet of the Harlem Renaissance and African diaspora, with a broad audience. We have tagged poems thematically to guide readers to works they may be particularly interested in, including poems that deal with issues of race, gender, and sexuality. (Use the VISUALIZATION>TAG menu on the upper left corner of the screen to access this feature.) Several short essays place McKay’s work in both historical and contemporary contexts, and we also offer interpretations of select poems and educational materials intended for readers interested in doing further research about McKay. Since we believe that literature enables all of us to better navigate society and create a more socially just world, we are committed to making McKay’s work accessible to the public. We hope this version of Claude McKay's early poetry will bridge diverse groups of people and spark conversations around McKay’s legacy.

This project was produced collaboratively, with seven graduate students and one faculty member contributing to it since October 2015. This project is driven in part by an interest in considering Digital Humanities methods in relation to social justice. Approaching the Digital Humanities from a framework of literature and social justice encourages us to consider the contributions of marginalized writers and to ask how the study of literature and literary history bears upon our understanding of contemporary social and political contexts. We have created this site as both a digital humanities experiment and a social justice intervention into the marginalization of writers such as McKay. McKay's poetry is not only stunningly beautiful, but speaks to continued problems of racism and white supremacy in the United States today.

--Amardeep Singh, Kyle Brett, Joanna Grim, Jenna Casciano, Heather Simoneau, Sarah Heidibrink-Bruno, Alex Thompson, Brenda Martinez
Department of English
Lehigh University
Contact: amardeep AT gmail DOT com

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