African American Poetry (1870-1928): A Digital Anthology

Charlotte E. Linden, "Scraps of Time" (full text) (1907 / 1913)

[This text was edited and formatted by Sarah Thompson based on page-image scans from HathiTrust in June 2024.] 

Scraps of Time 


Mrs. Henry Linden
165 E. Euclid Ave. 
Springfield, Ohio 


Autobiography and poems 
Charlotte E. Linden
[Mrs. Henry Linden] 

     I was born September 22, 1859, under the British government in Canada, fourteen miles from London, and lived there to the age of eight, when my parents brought me to the states. We first went to Kentucky, Campbell county, where my grandfather lived at that time— my father's old home place. 
      My father was born in slavery. He ran away before the war, when only a boy, and went to Canada, where of course he obtained his freedom.  
     My mother was a Canadian. She had a good English education and taught school, and when my father went back to Kentucky it was a brand new thing to see a negro teacher, and it did not set very well with the rebels iu those days, so they ordered my father to take his family and leave Kentucky; but as slavery was over and he was free he thought that he had a right to live where he pleased, and declined to go. However, in a short time we were compelled to go to save our lives, as those rebels were preparing to burn us out. The powder had been placed under the house during the absence of our family on Sunday, and every arrangement was made to burn us out, but one of the gang weakened and turned state's evidence. That was all that saved us.  
     So then we left Kentucky and came to Ohio, where we have remained ever since. We first went out on a farm two miles from Richmond, Ohio, where we remained for two years (Lockland, Ohio). Then my father obtained a good position as foreman for two real estate men. As he was not a scholar and could not write, the responsibilities became too much for him and he lost his mind, becoming melancholy; he was perfectly harmless, but could do no business. 
     At that time there were several small children, and as I was the eldest, although not yet twelve years old, it became necessary for me to go to work to help support the family and earn a living for myself. Of course I had very little schooling. I had to stop school and begin the hardships of life. I soon got a place to nurse, and while I was nursing I was the cook occasionally, so therefore I learned to cook so well  that when I was there six months the cook became sick and I took her place. I was then not thirteen years old. After that time I continued to cook, but my father's health grew worse and we had to leave the town and go to the country, where he grew able to work a little on the farm. With my help and a younger brother's  assistance we did very well that year. I made a good farm hand, and was glad to work and help my parents. 
     My father grew worse again, and hearing of the Delaware springs at Delaware, Ohio, we thought the water might help him, so we moved to Delaware. The water did him good, and I think added a great many years to his life. I continued cooking at very good wages. 
     Soon a Chinaman came to the town and opened a laundry. He advertised for help, making good offers to induce girls to learn the trade. I went there to work with several other girls, all were white but me. Of course my girl friends laughed at me and often called me "Chinaman," and I would feel bad, but knew that I was doing the best that I could; I took it for my share. I learned at eleven years of age to trust God; though young I believed he would bring me out more than conqueror, and he did. Some of those that laughed at me had to come to me for work when I opened my laundry, but I could not hire them because they did not understand the work. Now when I first learned the trade this Chinaman hired me to iron and polish and gave  me a dollar a day; I worked with him until he moved his laundry to Columbus, Ohio, and was  the only one working there that learned the trade thoroughly. The trade is a profound secret with the Chinese. They will pretend to teach you, but if you are not pretty sharp you will never learn. I found that out at once and  began to take advantage of every available opportunity, and would make starch at home and try it  by ironing a shirt. I also took some of the chemical that he used in his starch and had it analyzed so as to learn what it was made of, for I made up my mind to some day keep a laundry of my own, and have since done so and wag very successful. 
     My dear readers, I tell this hoping that some young girl will profit by my experience. I will give you a brief sketch of my life to the present time. 
     My home being of such an humble nature and I had to live so poorly and was not very strong, I married at the age of seventeen, and was very unfortunate in getting a husband who wa« unkind and did not support me; he was everything but a husband to me. I married against my parents\ will, so I thought as I had made my  bed hard I would do the best I could and would not annoy them any more than I could help; so I again went out to service to make a living, with a strong determination to make life a success. Discouraging it seemed that those whom I had thought were my friends proved to be enemies. 
     I lived with my first husband nearly two years. He proved to be a gambler and blackleg of the very worst type, so I thought I was lucky to leave with my life. He would sell my clothes when he would get broke, and the furniture out of the house when I would be out at work, to obtain money to gamble with. I was young and foolish, and when he would come and plead with me to forgive him I would, and work and get more things; but at last I tired of that life, and one day I came home from my work at a late hour only to find my furniture gone and all my clothes sold again, and he was not in sight, nor did he return until the wee hours of the morning. When he came I, tired and worn out with a hard day's work, was lying on a straw tick that he had left, without any cover, but the weather was warm. I will always believe that he intended to take my life, for when he came he brought another man who had just got out of the penitentiary, and was a desperate character. I called the neighbors next door, and the villian left, but my so-called husband remained, and I vowed that morning that I was through with him. As I had my living to make I would make it alone in peace. 
     He went from bad to worse until he died, but before his death he married a white woman and she grew as tired of him as I did I obtained a divorce from him, and after I applied he went to the penitentiary for stealing. 
     I worked right along, and the people I worked for were kind to me and tried every way to console me, and I never lost hope for the future, always believing that I would make my life count for something and be a credit to my race, as I have tried to live right and set a good example for the young, and asked God to guide me. I do not mean to say that I am perfect, for none of us are without fault, but have tried to do the best I could in my weakness. I have had a hard time, as everyone has that has had to struggle for a living at all kinds of work. 
      In time I had the opportunity to go to Florida as a cook, and while there met and married a gentleman who at the time was in the detective service — a railroad detective — and made his mark in the service, but was a regular spendthrift, and spent money faster than he made it, so that made me work hard again, but this time engaged in business for myself. I opened a laundry and later learned the French cleaning, and of these two trades I have made a success in life. After I had learned my trade as a cleaner I had just fifty cents to start my business with, but in six years that fifty cents made me four thousand dollars that I could see. My work was altogether for actresses and transient trade at the hotels, so the hotels and theatres have proved a blessing to me. Today I am worth several thousand dollars, living well and doing a first-class business. This is told to help some one else who may have my experience or one just as hard. 
     When I was forty-two years old I became very active in club work; although belonging to clubs for ten years was too busy to take any part in the work, but for five years have been an active worker. I am a member of six clubs and president of two of them. The clubs of which I am president are the Phyllis Wheatley and the  Friday Afternoon Study Club. The Phyllis Wheatley has adopted an orphan child, a little girl, and support her and expect to educate her if she lives. The Friday Club has under consideration a day nursery and kindergarten for colored children, for which we are working to that end and hope to accomplish in time, to the credit of the race. All the other clubs are for charity and self-improvement. 
     Five years ago we took up needlework in the Wednesday Afternoon Club, and I learned that art, and in that time have made nearly 250 pieces  of doilies, center-pieces, pillow-shams, stand-covers, sideboard and dresser scarfs, and many  smaller pieces. Also have the honor of bringing the first doily to the State Federation. Our president asked the ladies to bring some fancy work, and I was the only one who responded. 
     The club work has been very helpful to me,  and since that time I have been inspired to write  poetry. In January, 1905, I wrote my first lines;  subject, "Tell Her So," and since that time have  written forty or fifty poems. When I had written fourteen pieces I put them in print in pamphlet form and named them "Scraps of Time," selling them to the public at twenty-five cents each, and in four months sold over five hundred  of them, and am now preparing for this book. I have contributed my poems to magazines and to the daily papers in my city and abroad. I contribute now to a white newspaper, the Daily News, the people's paper in our city with the largest circulation. It is a white paper, but they print my poems and run my cut as well. 
     Now, dear readers, the reason I am giving you a little sketch of my life is to show you what you can do if you will. With push, pluck and ambition and Christ as your leader, you will make life a success. Now I am going to add my poems to this book.  
     I have two lovely boys, and believe that they will make great men if they live. 
     I have a good, kind husband. This is my third one, and he is old enough for my father. He was born a slave and fought in the Civil War, with no opportunity for schooling, but with all of his disadvantages he is a successful business man, and he does the largest transfer business in Springfield, Ohio. He has been married before and raised a creditable family of children. He was a widower for nine years previous to his  marriage to me. 
     My second husband died after a long spell of sickness, and left me with two baby boys. We were buying a home, and I was five hundred dollars in debt on it when he died, without a dollar on earth only that I worked for. Now you may imagine my position; two children, one three years old and the other five months. It took nerve and ambition to assume the responsibility, but I trusted God and came out all right. He opened different avenues in life for me. I did a paying business and was very successful. I had to keep a girl to care for my children while working at my trade. I was a widow only one year, and in that time got out of debt and bought a horse and buggy; so my circumstances were very good when I married my third husband. But he was in hard luck. He had been well fixed, but had lost it all by bad management, though I have never regretted marrying him. He is a good, kind husband and an ideal step-father. My boys fairly worship him and he does them.  
     My husband is a very useful man. He is an inventor, and has invented several useful articles that are in use today and giving satisfaction. The Linden piano truck, that is used by almost every transfer man and piano store in Ohio, is his invention; also a piano lamp that is in use, a hose union, and the window curtain rollers that are used in almost every home in the world. But with all his inventions and patent rights he has profited very little, as he sold them all at a sacrifice. Some one else is making the money out of them; he is only getting the honor of the  name. He has been in the transfer business for forty years, and is now making a success at that. We both know the art of starting with nothing and making life a success. We know what it is to toil hard day and night to make ends meet. 
     Now, dear readers, I tell you these things to encourage you through life; to show you if you have the will power and pride and ambition you will be victorious in whatever you undertake, and do not get the idea that everything is against you, for God is no respecter of persons, and man is just what he wills to be. The world is here and you must grasp every opportunity and never think any position too high for you to fill. Think more of yourself than anyone else, and have faith in your own ability, and believe that you can do what others have done, and when you are in the right just stand to fight and conquer if it kills. Though wrong puts on a stronger coat, and often shows up fight, when the battle is ended it always favors right. 
     I write a brief sketch of my life to inspire others so that they take advantage of passing opportunities. Our young should be encouraged. Instead of scolding and finding fault with them, let us who are mothers encourage the young to look up and not be content with so little. Let us teach our boys that to be men of note they must be self-supporting and take care of their families with the dignity of any race or people; and also teach them if, when married, they cannot get what is needed in their homes without denying themselves, to remember that it is manly to see the family provided for if they have to sacrifice themselves. The thing we need is more manly men and more noblewomen who will stand up for the right,  never faint or fall, and whose great abilities will demand respect from all. We live in an age of prosperity, with everything at our command if we will just keep on moving as we should, hand in hand. 
     Little did I think five years ago that the world would be reading after me, with such a limited schooling, but today the greatest men and women of my own race and others are reading my works, in this country and the old country, and giving me great praise for my ambition and helpful eflforts. The president of our own America as well as kings and rulers of the old country is applauding my work with loud praises. It is worth while to do something. What need you care for the would-be critics that are doing nothing themselves and criticize your efforts? Take new courage and "pull for the shore." My efforts were criticized, but what did I care for that. I started with that expectation, but with God as my leader I expected to win the fight in  the end.  
                          Dare to be true, dare to do right, 
                               With Christ as your leader 
                          You will win the fight. 

For the good of the order it behooves me to say 
That the supreme lodge of Pythians has set apart this day 
As an annual thanksgiving in a religious way; 
We must return thanks to God for his goodness. 
We appreciate the fact and do not take it back, 
That we make rapid growth and improve every year; 
The joy and comfort of doing what is right 
Overbalances sorrow and care, and today we are prosperous and happy. 
This organization has something of which to boast. 
It stands above all others this side of the coast. 
For the support of its widows and orphans this lodge does the most 
That I know, for I've tested its treasures. 
Its laws are all right and right up to date, 
But like all other good things it sometimes meets fate 
In unlawful members, and they go on at such a rate 
It almost takes a regiment to get them straight. 
But our people are learning that law must be obeyed, 
That they can no longer stand in the way; 
They must be gotten rid of and go out to stay, 
For this is for the good of the order. 
Now, dear sisters, you must have minds of your own, 
Not to let ignorant men lead you wrong, 
And when you are ditched they will laugh and sing you a song, 
"I'm sorry; you should have known better," 
But look at your law and be governed by that, 
Be united as Calaxthians and take a stand 
That you will run your order without the help of a man; 
Confide in each other—this is a good plan to have a creditable order. 
Let us this coming year live as we should, 
Each one endeavoring to make their word good, 
And set a good example to those we may hood, 
Then the courts will all grow and prosper. 
As women of our race let us look up to God 
For his blessings and trust in his word, 
And on our thanksgiving be of one accord, 
And then we will be prosperous and happy. 

Your name is the Wheel of Progress—a pleasant name indeed. 
Move on in line of progress, for that is what we need, 
The things that lead to progress are what we do and say and mean, 
We can have a world of progress if we use this term and theme. 
Now to the Wheel of Progress so cultured and refined, 
With noble thought and action, with able brain and mind,
Women of different callings and teachers of different schools, 
We feel to acknowledge you our leaders as a rule. 
Much depends on you for the future and the coming generations at lodge, 
Your teachings and grand example, though sometimes it may seem hard, 
Will bring laurels to crown your efforts 
When you go home to meet our Lord. 
And we appreciate you; yes, more than tongue can tell. 
With Mrs. Jones as president we know you will do well, 
With your various departments — charity, literary and art— 
We expect at the next Federation to hear from you a grand report. 
I have a sweet recollection of the first poem I ever wrote, 
Was read by Miss Hetty Taylor, that inspired me to be a poet, 
And of course your club I will always love for its loyalty to me; 
That proves that you believe in progress, so that encouraged me. 
May long live the Wheel of Progress, and in history may her name be found,
When her members' toils are ended and their labors have been crowned, 
I hope she will leave a record that will live and last; 
So sweet will be the memory when looking back over the past. 
Let us build a monument in something that will live when we are gone, 
That may year after year grow brighter, that time will not crumble down, 
That coming generations may look on it with pride, 
Then you will prove a blessing as club women true and tried. 
But may the gem that we make be lasting and grow as the days roll on. 
And glitter instead of tarnish until it becomes as bright as the sun, 
And coming generations will prosper from your well trained hands 
And honor the Wheel of Progress of over this broad land. 

One of our race's greatest needs in this country today 
Is a number of well supported and managed Y.M.C.A.;
Yes, in every city and town and hamlet around 
"Where the feet of our race treads over the ground. 
Our young men need pleasure in various ways 
As well as hard labor and study all day, 
And there is no better place for them to be 
Than in some well equipped and well managed Y.M.C.A. 
And let us be awakened to the needs of today, 
And make a sacrifice to support our Y.M.C.A.,
Then our young men will have some place to play 
Simple games, and read good literature at the Y.M.C.A. 
If we would have creditable men we must rear creditable boys, 
Give them every advantage that will add to their morals, 
And let us remember in this enlightened day 
These things can all be found in the Y.M.C.A. 
As mothers of a race we must do as well as say. 
And make a strong effort to help the Y.M.C.A. 
Let the church be first to teach them to say, 
"I am a loyal member of the Y.M.C.A.”
Now to the credit of our race we have today 
In the city of Springfield a Y.M.C.A.,
With Springfield's bad name, its riot and shame, 
We have something to be proud of then—Y.M.C.A. 
Let us resolve in our hearts that we as a race 
Will do all we can in our power to replace 
The good name of Springfield to the credit of our race. 
By indorsing every good move with the Y.M.C.A. 

Now for my part I am here to say 
That I will do my whole duty by the Y.M.C.A. 
You can do as you please, but God blesses me, 
And I will make it my business to help the Y.M.C.A. 

Brave man and brave woman, 
With brave and honest heart, 
And with their money will not part. 
Will make life a grand success. 
I know what it is to labor hard; 
And with pluck and ambition 
And womanly brain I ventured out 
And aspired to learn a trade. 
Of laundress and French cleaning 
I learned the trade, worked hard, 
And strict attention to business paid, 
And found it worth while to learn a trade. 

If you have no wealth, don't be sad, 
Take it for your lot, don't think it bad, 
But strive for the front with honest heart, 
And exercise your brains and hands— 
You will find this is a very good plan. 

The National Federation is a grand and glorious band 
Of noble colored women that invades this land; 
They've taken a grand stand in making a demand 
For their offsprings of this land justice. 
Hurrah! Hurrah! You will hear our voices ring; 
Hurrah! Hurrah! You will hear our women sing 
When they have fought the battle 
That has won the glorious prize 
That we have been fighting for so long called justice. 
We are making a great sacrifice, but mean to win the prize, 
Makes no difference what it costs us we mean to live and try 
To make the future better or we will know the reason why — 
The only thing we are asking now is justice. 
We will let the awful past alone and act as we call wise, 
We are willing to work hard and make any sacrifice 
Or do anything we can to help our race to rise, 
But all we ask at any hands is justice. 
We feel that we are right in making this demand; 
Our fathers worked and shed their blood and made this country grand, 
They have fought in every battle and are willing yet to stand, 
And all they ask this country now is justice. 
But we feel at last we have a friend in Roosevelt the president; 
He stands for right, a hero bold, as he knows all races have a soul; 
As chief executive of this land he makes this stern and last demand, 
And means it, too—for every man justice. 
As women of Ohio state we ask each state to federate,
And this will make us stronger; when every state is organized, 
And all are fighting for this prize, you will hear 
Our women cry, "We must have justice." 

As women of our race we have the odds to face 
In battling for our rights; 
But we will take it for our share. 
Never murmur, never fear,
Through God we will win the fight.
God is opening doors for us,
And bids us enter in and be his guest 
In many a walk of life 
That was closed to us through strife 
By the more favored race. 
Now we may win the fight by being loyal, 
By training minds and hands, 
As mothers of this land 
To show their grit and sand 
By working hard. 

Then we will demand a place 
Side by side with any race 
In this broad land; 
Let us prepare to fill a place 
Through ambition, dignity and grace. 

Encouragement is what I need, encouraged I ought to be, 
Encouragement from one like you is all and all to me; 
I like to speak encouraging to any one I meet, 
I feel encouraged when I do, for they encourage me. 
We are here to encourage anything that is right; 
God intends it thus to be, and we will win a home 
That will not fade whenever we cross life's sea, 
Let us remember that encouragement belongs to God's great plan 
Of making pilgrims happy while traveling through this land— 
Then why not be encouraged when looking o'er the past 
And know it is better farther on, 
And reward will come at last. 


The fall is here, with its brown leaves falling 
Aud its cold night winds kissing the flowers; 
Soon the flowers will be dead and the trees will be barren, 
Then we will know that summer has fled, 
And all nature around will seem asleep aud forgotten; 
Then the hearth by the fireside will welcome us home— 
We can talk, we can ponder and think of the summer. 
How we enjoyed the fragrance of its sweet-smelling bloom. 
Alas! that is not all— the winter is coming 
With its joy and its sorrow, its pleasure and pain. 
And while wandering through winter with its snow storms and freezes 
It seems but tomorrow that spring comes again. 
Then spring-time appears, aud is welcomed with gladness 
By the bees and the birds and beasts of the field; 
The flowers lift their heads to cheer man in his sadness, 
And the birds sing sweet songs of the winter that has past. 
Now our lives vary like the seasons in reason, 
We are not all alike, and how could we be? 
Some like the fall, always gloomy and chilly. 
But once in awhile the sun shines in their home. 

Now some like the winter—their lives are real stormy, 
And it seems they are always looking for spring, 
And they live in the hope of their spring-time coming; 
And their winter will end like a dream on the wing. 
Some like the spring, always glad and inviting, 
And make all rejoice as they pass through this life, 
And make one feel at home whene'er in their presence, 
While waiting to welcome the summer to dawn. 
Some like the summer, all gay like the flowers 
That put out their blossoms in the sweet month of June, 
And to meet them at home there is a glad hand of welcome 
That makes one rejoice in their summer-like home. 

The greatest self-made man in the world today 
Is one of our race, I am proud to say; 
Not a giant in stature, nor robust in size, 
But with brain and ambition he is noble and wise, 
           Our noted Booker T. Washington. 
By his great example and influence as well 
He has brought the world to acknowledge him; 
His noble ability, his manhood and pride, 
With pluck and ambition also applied,
           Our noble Booker T. Washington. 
Now today we applaud his great name with loud cheers, 
In churches and halls and in Congress it appears 
As well as in the schoolroom and our firesides so dear, 
To the credit of our race we handle with care 
           The name of Booker T. Washington. 
We must always remember and should not forget 
The poor little slave boy with just mother to pet, 
He struggled through life with discouragements, yet 
Determined abundance of knowledge to get, 
           Our honorable Booker T. Washington. 
Every mother in this country should teach her child 
That with pluck and ambition, through hardships and trial, 
And with strong determination and well made-up mind, 
Through hard work and patience he can be in time 
            The equal of Booker T. Washington. 

Man is what he wills to be—that is not a saying, but it is true; 
I have had this experience, and it may be so with you, 
Man need not worry about his fate, but let him take a stand; 
It makes no difference what turns up, I will be a noble man. 
And then be will work right to that end and every effort make 
To build a towering monument to his credit grand and great, 
And if he keeps on moving, doesn't stop to think of fate. 
He will be the lucky man that the whole world calls great. 
Then man is what he wills to be, 
Either little, much or great; 
He can make himself a world of power, 
Or bring on a shameful fate. 
I started out in life alone to win my way or die, 
To make my life count something or would know the reason why, 
And when the first effort had made discouraging and yet 
I just put on a little pluck and pushed right to the gate. 
Now it is more than a notion, fellowman, to take your place in life; 
You have got to struggle hard and make a sacrifice. 
But you feel better in the end when you look back and think 
Of all the knocks you have undergone, and now your chain is linked. 
Life is not worth living, fellow-woman, if you never have a lick, 
You can appreciate success when it comes thick; 
Sometimes I was up, sometimes I was down, and I would stop and think, 
"This world is individuals, and each must take his place," 
I would brighten up and start afresh, and say "I will win the race." 
So man is what he wills to be; God put him here to think,
Not like the dumb beast of the field, to only eat and drink, 
He gave to man a glorious gift of knowing good from bad,
That he might be partaker of the good and scorner of the bad. 
God gave man brain to think and faculties to act, 
Gave him power to sail the seas and ride upon the winds, 
To dive down in the mighty deep and bring up costly gems, 
To dig the coal out of the earth that heats and gives us light, 
And with a million other gifts I cannot name that is right. 


One beautiful morning in the month of May all was serene and quiet, 
The birds sang sweetly, their music a dream, and the sun shone bright; 
The flowers all in bloom with their fragrances so sweet,
And the green-carpeted earth made the picture complete. 

It was the first day of May, all nature seemed gay
And all of the trees seemed to bow and welcome the day, 
And every heart seemed happy and the bees seemed to say, 
"Do you know that winter has passed and this is the first day of May?" 
When we think of San Francisco in her terror today, 
We thank God we are living on the first day of May; 
We have lots to be thankful for, and should continue to pray 
For the sad ones in San Francisco on the first day of May. 

Everybody knows her, for they see her every day 
As she swings around the corner with that blue dress on parade; 
Though it is not all in looking, stylish clothes don't win today, 
There's nothing counts like dollars when you have your debts to pay. 
This we should teach our children, not extravagant to be.  
As our race in this country has not so long been free; 
They must take care of their money and buy homes in various ways, 
To be creditable and honest when they have their debts to pay. 

I believe in style and fashion that is not out of the way,  
I believe in home and comfort and living happy every day; 
Do not go beyond your means, makes no difference what they say, 
And after awhile you will be excluded from having debts to pay. 
Now this has been my motto, to do as well as say— 
Not teach you and practice different, but I can truthfully say 
That in my broad experience success has followed me. 
And I make a strong effort to keep the debts all paid. 

The Household of Ruth is pure friendship, love and truth, 
It will keep you in your youth if you are a good attendant; 
The law is strictly executed and lived up to by all 
Who bear the name of the noble order,
And all is well with anyone who gets into her borders. 
This organization is just what it should be, 
Its principles for right and elevation 
In carrying out the law in every form, 
And this is what will make and save a nation. 

It soothes the sister's broken heart with a loving word of cheer, 
It fills the empty pocketbook of the needy one so drear, 
It gives food to the hungry, takes care of the sick, 
Buries its dead in order and all of those things, just think. 
Why not join the Household above all other things? 
When its principles are good and pure and its works so truly great, 
Every man should be an Odd Fellow and every woman a Sister of Ruth; 
They could not do better, now that is just the truth. 

When I watch my two boys, Walter and Robert, at play. 
It makes me think of my childhood days, 
When I used to play and skip not alone as a mother, 
      I am as happy as a queen on her throne. 
With kind husband and children and comfortable home, 
With Christ as our leader while through this world we roam, 
Who never forsakes us or leaves us alone, 
But shines as a light to beckon us on, 
      I am as happy as a queen on her throne. 
With pluck and ambition I have great success, 
I make a strong effort and God does the rest, 
I work for the future and think for the best, 
And believe that my boys will make life a success, 
      I am as happy as a queen on her throne.
Now when this life is ended on earth we love, 
We hope to make a family in the kingdom above 
Where all is joy, and peace, and love, 
And then we will kneel and give God the praise, 
      For he is our king on the throne. 

What is woman to the world? Has her worth been told? 
It is true she is more precious than silver or gold, 
Or rubies or diamonds; her worth cannot be told, 
For she is a most precious jewel. 
Then may it be remembered that she stands next to God, 
If she lives for Christ's kingdom to take up her abode; 
She was first at the cross and last at the tomb— 
A faithful creature was woman. 
And you will find her first in all good work, 
And then when it is done you will find her always helping, 
Too, to carry the burden of those she chances to meet, 
Or her husband if she is a wife. 

October is here, and the clubs begin business 
After a tweet summer's rest from club work's toil and care; 
Now afresh we begin preparing for winter, 
To make happy hearts of the sad ones dear. 

At last we thank God we are to do something to make 
The world better by helping the poor; we ask God to guide us, 
And give us ambition to bring food and comfort to many a door. 

Yes, there are children awaiting our meeting that they may have clothes 
And books for the school — they know where to get them; 
The faithful club woman are willing to give them help as a rule. 
This is our club work, to give to the needy as well as improve 
Our own minds, and to look after the sick and give homes 
To the children, and tell the poor mother to tell hers what to do. 
Now this is a great work we are doing, dear sisters, 
Come, let us be united in doing what we can for the Lord, 
Let us go hand in hand with each other, and remember as we lift let us climb. 
In a few years we will be through with our meetings,
Then we will join the happy hosts o'er there with our Lord, 
With our friends all around us and our Savior before us, 
Standing to welcome us home in the end. 
And then we will realize what good we have been doing 
When life is no longer with us on this earth; 
Let us take up new courage and hold fast to our promise, 
We will receive our reward in the over-there. 
As women of power and mothers of this country, 
We must hold fast together to lift as we climb; 
If we do not we will keep the race from uniting 
And making one strong, united uplifting band. 

The world with all of its thought and action 
Is run by God's electric power; 
We are God's improved invention, 
He is promoter of the hour. 
God is life and light and wisdom, 
All that lives is built on him, 
On the land and in the water, 
The very air we breathe he gives. 
Why should man be so egotistic 
When he in God's sight is so like the clay; 
But God has place for every creature 
That in creation lives today. 
He has seen fit to give us comfort,
And in peace and happiness to dwell, 
If we obey his blest commandments 
And do his everlasting will. 
Why not make our lives impressive 
By helping some one when we can, 
And feel that we are each expected 
To bring some credit to the land. 

The Riot in Springfield, Ohio, February 26, 1906. 

When all was quiet and serene, a storm broke out at the dead, 
And the roaring of pistols and firebells were heard; 
On the sound of the midnight air could be heard 
Loud voices screaming in agony great. 
"Oh, what is the matter?" you could hear someone shout; 
The answer, "My house is on fire! Someone put it out!" 
Breathless the mob ran to and fro like a scout, 
Putting torches and destruction to all that come about. 
In the still of night, as horrible as death, 
Comfortless and homeless so many were left 
Hungry and clotheless in their awful flight; 
Dear God, it was terrible at the dead hour of night! 
This lawlessness has buried Springfield's great name, 
But I hope business will go on just the same, 
With her car-load of officers with salaries to pay 
Not able to control this city today, 
And we must be disgraced with a riot. 
This is something awful in this great land today, 
Where everything is prosperous and making a way, 
To think peace is disturbed by the low and degraded, 
And impeding progress by standing in the way 
With their torches and pistols, taking the day with a riot. 
O whiskey! that great evil that is doing it all, 
But that is no excuse, let them answer the call 
Of the strenuous law that is made for all, 
And they will come to the conclusion when they have a fall 
To be law-abiding citizens and courteous to all, 
And there will be no more riot. 

 It's a grand thing when you're old, love, 
      To have someone care for you. 
 Someone to make you happy, 
      Someone to love you, too. 
 It makes life bright and gay, love. 
      When you think of the summer flowers 
  That you used to nourish in childhood, 
      In the spring of youth's hours. 

 But oh, it's spring to me, love, 
      When I look at your earnest gaze 
  And see the rosy sunbeams 
       Upon your smiling face. 
 I would always be gay and happy, love, 
      If I had you at my side, 
 It makes me revere the moment, love, 
      When I became your happy bride. 
 But we are growing old, love, 
      Our sun of life will soon set,
 But as long as we are here, love, 
      We will bless the day we met. 
 So when toil and care are o'er, love, 
      And time with us will cease, 
 We will join that happy host, love, 
      Where all is joy and peace. 

Or The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World. 
In looking o'er the prospects of the future 
And knowing the success of the past, 
And knowing it all comes through the woman of the world,
You need not count her least or last. 
For all that you can count to your credit of being 
This or that, or making life a success, you may rest assured 
And it is true where're you go, that 
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 

It seems that something must happen every day; 
It takes a mother's tender care to drive the blues away, 
It makes no difference how you try to keep her from the whirl, 
She will let you know that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 
We boast of our great president and statesmen grand and bold, 
And forget it is through his mother's training 
That his name has been enrolled among noble heroes; 
Unfurling the flag and digging gold all come through 
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 

If you would only stop to count your blessings 
      I think we would more thankful be, 
When we remember God is willing to give us blessings 
      When we earn them full and free. 
Do not let us stop to murmur 
      When things go wrong and make you sigh; 
Think this must come in a lifetime,
      Count your blessings, do not cry. 
If we would only count our blessings 
      How much happier we would be,
You know the loss is always counted, 
But let them go for all they will bring 
       In making happiness to thee. 

We should cultivate our different tastes 
And display them with modest grace; 
Though all our tastes are not the same, 
Of course we are not to blame. 
But if we pursue the different arts 
We will find a taste for something; 
No matter what your taste may be, 
Have courage to cultivate something. 
We must find a taste for something— 
Music, needlework or painting; 
Each of these arts has its charm, 
If you cultivate either 'twill do no harm. 
Each one should strive hard 
To find out what she can best do, 
And when she finds her place 
Pill it as if she always knew. 
Everybody has a gift 
If they did but know it, 
And if you cultivate some taste 
Your study will soon show it. 
I studied the art of needlework, 
And was soon adopted to it; 
And as I studied farther on 
I discovered that I was a poet. 
I then and there began to write 
And I am still sticking to it,
And some of the best critics in the land 
Have indorsed me as a poet. 

I believe in doing something good, 
Why not? It is best to do it, 
For you are adding to the world 
If you only did but know it. 
Now when we study Nature's law 
It gives us thought and action, 
Then we begin to realize 
That we are God's invention. 

To the queen of the British government 
We owe gratitude and love 
For giving our race liberty when coming in her gates; 
She gave every man his portion and a home beneath her flag, 
If he would be loyal and truthful, and stand up for the right. 

Oh hail, the Queen of England! She was a royal queen indeed,
She was a queen to every nation, she was the nation's need; 
She was an earthly angel, and full of love and pride; 
For crushed, enslaved humanity she was a kind and loving guide. 
Oh, that royal Queen of England! How we mourn her loss so great, 
And to ever reverence her name, when we hear it spoke, 
Of that God-given ruler, who made for us a place 
That we might flee from evil to a home of refuge safe. 
Her kingdom saved my father and gave him freedom sweet, 
And I was born her subject, a Canadian complete; 
But she has gone to the God that gave her, and we must give her up, 
But her son, the King of England, has fallen heir to her throne,
With all of the royal honors King Edward now is crowned. 
Now we hear the King of England is ill, and it grieves our hearts to know 
That the son of the Queen of England's health is very poor;  
Now, honored King of England, we love and adore your name,
For the sake of your dear old mother your kingdom I hope to hail. 

Now we hope you will recover and live for years to come, 
To make your kingdom happy as well as your royal home; 
And I hope I may live to see you, as next year I expect to sail, 
And with pride in that grand old country 
And your kingdom I expect to hail. 

Now, royal Queen Alexandria, I blush to speak your name, 
To know my life's so humble and yours the heights of fame; 
But as I am a woman and also a woman's friend, I read of you 
And loved you as if I had met you time and again. 

 On the last day of the year we have so much to be thankful for, 
 So much we have had and so much that we should do, 
 To know that our lives have been spared here for something, 
 By One that knows the future, the present and past. 
 Let us prepare to meet the new year rejoicing, 
 To know that our lives have been spared for something good; 
 Let us make new resolutions to do more in the future 
 Than we have in the past for the kingdom of God. 
 Then each of our lives should be busy working 
 And thinking, and praying to God 
 To make the world better and men nobler and braver, 
 To take responsibilities and live up to his law. 

 We should be inspired to work for the Master, 
 In helping the sinner to come to his arms; 
 It is true this past year we have had struggles and crosses 
 As well as sunshine, and pleasure with pain. 
 But in life's weary dream this must all be expected, 
 But trusting will make the road easy to trod; 
 Then we are promised a great reward over yonder 
 With the glories and blessed in the kingdom of God. 
 When I think of our race in the past we have all things to hope for, 
 To know that God has prospered us so in the past; 
 We should be willing to trust him alone in the future, 
 And believe he will take us home when this life is past. 

 In the dead hour of night, 
 When all Nature is dreaming. 
 The watchman in the watch-tower 
 Is treading his beat. 
 The soft mellow breezes go out through the leaves, 
 The silvery moon peeps down through the trees; 
 It is the peaceful slumber of silent night, 
 When the earth is a most beautiful sight. 

 The countless stars in the heaven of light 
 Illumine the pilgrim's pathway bright 
 That speeds to and fro through the silent night, 
 In quest of a happier, holier plight. 
 Then he takes up new courage and travels right along, 
 The journey is long, but his faith is quite strong,
 He knows that through hardships and struggle, if right. 
 He can cheerfully pass, with God, through the night. 
      It is like a dream of a cold winter night,
           When I think of the past; 
      The storm and cloud have left the skies 
           And my pathway is clear at last. 
 One fatal mistake that is made today is gossip; 
 Too many women, I am sorry to say, love to gossip. 
 The height of their ambition seems to be 
 To talk about their neighbor across the way 
 And to pick her to pieces as we commonly say, in gossip. 
 Find fault with her clothes, her husband or home, 
 Her style of living, her manner or brogue, 
 If not the poor girl who is struggling alone 
 To make for herself a comfortable home, 
 Or the boy that meets misfortune while through this world he roams, 
 Instead of simply gossip. 

 To gossip, my friend, is a terrible sin, it doesn’t a fortune 
 For anyone win, but makes enemy and strife, 
 And wrecks some one's life and often breaks up homes,
 And parts husbands and wives, and sometimes causes the use of a knife— 
 Then what is to blame but Gossip. 
 Now let us as club women do something else 
 To make the world better by looking at self 
 And talking of the things that make happiness and wealth, 
 And make ourselves useful for God and be blessed, 
 And be excused from Gossip. 

 Woman's worth to the world can never be told, 
 She is a jewel more needed than silver or gold, 
 The world could not move without her great name enrolled, 
                Oh woman, blessed woman! 
 God created woman for the helpmate of man, 
 Knowing without woman man could not stand,
 And then God devised a plan 
 To bring woman in existence from the rib of man, 
                Oh woman, blessed woman! 
 Then God caused man to take a deep sleep, 
 And then his loving commandments to keep, 
 He would create something the pride of his life 
 And would make him happy by giving a wife, 
                Oh woman, graceful woman! 
 You may find her busy in public and home, 
 In church work and club work she can plainly be seen, 
 In rearing her children each good mother a queen, 
                Oh woman, blessed woman! 

 The new year has dawned and we meet it with gladness, 
 And today is a day of frolic and joy, 
 Notwithstanding some hearts are bowed down with sadness. 
 But we who are happy should pray for their joy. 
 I resolve today to make others happy and serve the great King 
 Who is supreme over all, to do all in my power 
 To make the world better by a Christian example 
 And answering when he calls. 
 This my forty-sixth New Year—I have been blest and lucky, 
 While others are gone and their voices hushed in death; 
 But I am here and spared to my family, 
 With my husband and children and friends to enjoy. 
 I look ahead away in the future, as well as thank God of love 
 For the past, to know when life is ended we have wound up 
 Our work here with hoping and trusting our Blessed Redeemer, 
 We'll bid farewell to earth and go home at last. 
 We should be careful in rearing our children and teach them the things 
 That will add to their lives, that will inspire  them to think, 
 And act for the Master, and share responsibilities of this life's great burden, 
 And feel it is a duty they must perform. 
 I could say more, though it gives me pleasure to know 
 I have lived through sadness and sorrow as well as pleasure and pain; 
 I know what it is to be sad and heart-broken, but trusting God 
 Has brought peace and happiness again. 

 Let us strive to do something inspiring, 
 Let us strive to do something for God, 
 Let us strive to make somebody happy, 
 For this is our duty to all. 
 Now this is the work of a Christian, 
 To lift up the weak ones that fall,
 To help them to carry their burden 
 To the Lamb that gives comfort to all. 
 Let us take heed and be anchored 
 In this Rock that cannot shake or will not fall; 
 The Savior that is always our refuge 
 Let us answer at once when he calls. 

He will be our food when we are hungry, 
 He will be our drink when we are dry, 
 He will be our peace in confusion, 
 He will take us home by and by. 
 Let us be true to each other, 
 For this is our Savior's command, 
 Strive hard to do our whole duty 
 And receive our reward in the end. 

           To better the condition of humanity, 
      For the cultivation of the mind, 
           To tear down the walls of ignorance, 
      Then we are lifting as we climb. 

      To make sacrifice a pleasure, 
           We will see results in time; 
       If we only work and trust God 
           He will reward us after while. 
      So let us make work pleasure, 
           And never murmur, never fear, 
      But take Christ for our leader. 
           And always keep him near. 
      Now as long as he will lead us 
           Not a battle will we lose in line; 
      Then we will work and trust him ever 
           In this lifting as we climb. 
      Now, dear sisters, when we are weary 
           And all burdened down with care, 
      With the club work we have been doing 
           In the lifting others here, 
      We will bind our sheaves together. 
           As club women true and tried, 
      Then we will look alone to Jesus, 
           Who will give us our reward. 

 I am a little orphan girl. 
 My ma and pa are dead; 
 The Phyllis Wheatley mamas me 
 And gives me what I need. 
 They give me pretty clothes to wear, 
 And books to read I love; 
 May long life and success bless 
 The Phyllis Wheatley Culture Club. 
 All little girls are not like me blessed, 
 To have someone to care for them 
 When their parents are at rest, 
 But the Phyllis Wheatley has seen fit to take me in their breast, 

 List, I hear the church bells ring, 
 They sound like distant music to me, 
 I love to go to church and hear the choir sing 
 The beautiful praises of God. 
 My heart is glad when the Sabbath appears, 
 Then I make preparations for church, 
 I sometimes wish Sabbath would last all the year,
 For it drives away sorrow and grief. 
 My life has been cloudy, with sunshine and rain, 
 But I will just take that for my lot, and feel that 
 I am no better than Jesus my king,
 And they crucified him on the cross. 
      Time has brought about great changes, 
           And will bring as many more; 
      Now to waste time it is dangerous,  
           For time is precious, but always sure. 
      Now time is so very precious,
           Just one moment at a time,
      Then we should always improve it 
           As it gently passes by. 
      Now we will take time for pleasure, 
           And we must take time for pain; 
      And let us spend our spare moments' time 
           In brightening up the mind. 

      Let us get good books and read them, 
           So that we may be inspired 
      To put our time in something good, 
           To show what we have read. 
      Now time belongs to God the father,  
           And he deals it out to man, 
      Just as he sees fit to give it; 
           But with God time never ends. 
     But with man time has a limit, 
            And sometime it is very short. 
     But the main thing is to improve it; 
            While you have time do your part. 

      You can do that in thought or action, 
           Or in work in various ways; 
      The slave has proven this to you 
           By accomplishing something in his day. 

      He was styled alone as chattels,
           In this country now so great, 
      But time has made him famous, 
            For he put Christ in the lead. 

      Then Christ fought for him his battle, 
           And broke the chain that set him free, 
      And time has made him the greatest man 
            The whole world knows today. 

      Just in forty years of freedom 
           He has made this country think; 
      He is styled inventor, doctor, lawyer. 
           And proficient in every rank. 
     And this is not half—contractor, 
           Soldier brave, and in battle he stands first; 
      And he's owner of great properties, 
           And has millions in his purse. 
      This country should be proud of him 
           And make him a welcome guest, 
      It might as well, for he is here to stay, 
           And is still feathering his nest. 

 Good-by, my son, good-by,
 My poor wayward boy! 
 You are breaking your poor father's heart;
 He loves you, and believed 
 That you would mend your way 
 And would from bad habits depart. 
 But alas, it seems hopeless, hopeless. 
 When I think of you now a man,  
 And still seem perfectly contented 
 With throwing your earnings to the winds. 

 Stop and think for a moment! 
 Your time is fair spent, and soon life  
 With you will be at a close; 
  You had better be saving your earnings 
 For something that will do you good. 
 You will soon be counted with men and things of the past, 
 And nothing to your credit will note when you are spoken of by name; 
 The world will only laugh, for they won't even remember your name. 
Now you cannot be a back number with your intellect and brain; 
Save your time and credit and put your earnings out to work, 
And say, "I will have something and show the world I am a man." 
 Then you will make your father happy 
 When he thinks, "My son has accomplished 
 To make my old age brighter, 
 And give me happiness in the end. 
 “I have worked and toiled and struggled 
 To give him all of the chance to stand 
 Side by side with any hero in this broad and noted land; 
 He can get to be a hero and make himself a nobleman," 
 Now if you will stop and think, 
 My son, what God expects of you, 
 You will surely turn around 
 And find something good to do 
 That will make your name a credit 
 And will drown the awful past, 
 And make me feel so proud of you 
  To know that you are a creditable man at last. 

 Good-by, sweetheart, our days of bliss, 
 Sealed by love's pure and sacred kiss, 
 Are ended in tears; 
 We part—the dream is o'er, 
           Good-by, sweetheart. 

 I may not meet thee of old, 
 But oh, how can we live apart, 
 God knoweth best, God help us both 
 To live and say 
           Good-by, sweetheart. 

 When you are called on to perform a duty, 
            Do your best; 
 Make an effort to fill the pace, 
           And God will do the rest. 
 Never say, "That is too hard for me," 
 But always try to make the task 
 A world of pleasure. 
           Do you know why? 
 Because God has put you here 
 For something good and grand; 
 If you cannot fill the pace 
 Will you have answered the command? 

 May God bless your home 
 And make you happy; 
 May he children to you give, 
 May your union prove a blessing, 
 Teaching others how to live. 
 Always keep your marriage sacred, 
 Then j'ou never will grow cold, 
 But will always love each other 
 Until death will part you all. 
 God invented happy union, 
 God indorses marriage vows; 
 Then let no one put asunder 
 What God has given to you now. 

 The sun of our existence here 
       Is sinking very fast, 
 Let us make our lives a monument 
      Of credit while we last. 
 Let us do all of the good we can, 
      That others may see and feel 
 That we made the world better 
      By ambition, pluck and zeal. 
 Let it be our hearts' desire to make history 
      While we live, so that others may retain 
 And know that we have accomplished something 
      And also lived to live again. 
 Each of us should be inventors 
       In this broad and busy land, 
 And feel it is our duty 
       To be improving all of the time. 
 Let us give the world new ideas, 
      And exercise our hands and brain,
 As coming generations will expect of us 
      To learn something grand and something 
 Noble of our action in this age. 
      Now as we must fill our places 
 Let us fill them with delight and feel this is our gain, 
      You know success follows labor just as pleasure follows pain. 
 Let us then be up and doing 
      What we find, with all of our might, 
  In this business world improving 
      And leaving monuments of light. 

 Very often when you are striving 
 To make life a grand success, 
 Someone stands off and criticises 
 By giving you the discouraging laugh. 
 But what need you care for that! 
 just keep the upward road, 
 And this will lead you to success, 
 If you ambitiously onward go. 
 The one that laughs the loudest 
  Is the one that laughs the last, 
 So when you see them laughing 
 Just put on more ambition to the task. 
 And tell them you are a hero, 
 And expect to win the prize; 
 That you mean to be a champion 
 In whatever you undertake. 
 No prize comes very easy, 
 You must work and fight to win; 
 That is why the Japs are fighting hard 
 And the Russians losing them. 
 God is not always with the strongest, 
 But is always with the right. 
 That is why the Japanese won; 
 He gave them power and might. 
 Now this should be a lesson 
 For this country great and grand, 
 That God is no respecter of persons, 
 But is father of every man. 

It is a very dangerous thing 
 To undertake to crush the weak; 
 For our Savior is always on their side — 
 As a general thing they are meek. 

 The little birds warble their song in the tree, 
 Chee-chee, whee-whee, whee-whee; 
 Their song is the sweetest music to me, 
 Chee-chee, whee-whee, whee-whee. 
 In the morning you hear them sing before day, 
 Especially in the beautiful mornings of May, 
 When flowers are all blooming with fragrance so sweet, 
 And the earth represents a glorious green sheet. 
 Then our hearts all rejoice that winter has flown, 
 And spring has appeared in it's beautiful gown, 
 To make the heart happy of the sad and forlorn,
 Then you will hear the birds singing their song. 
 When we think of the birds and the loving care 
 That God gives them through the winter and spares them to sing, 
 And much more attention he has given to man. 
 Why not love God and trust him as only man can, 
 And he will teach us to sing in that beautiful laud 
 Sweeter songs than the birds ever sang. 
 Now evening appears and the birds' songs are hushed. 
 They have flown to the trees and couched in their nests, 
 They have spent a remarkable day. 

 Just as the birds’ little voices are hushed, 
 Just so will ours in the night of our lives, 
 And may it be said of us just as of the birds, 
 That we have made someone happy today. 
 This world is a forest, a flower field, a grove, 
 And it is tenderly cared for by love, 
 God is the father of this beautiful land, 
 And dwells with the angels above. 
 Let us make it our business to be like the birds,
 To make every heart happy we meet,
 Then when time is no longer with us on the earth 
 We will worship at our Savior's feet. 

 I think at a distance I hear a loud voice, 
 Saying, Come, Come, Come. 
 Look unto me and I will make you rejoice. 
 Come, Come, Come. 
 It is the cry of the father to the heathen so great. 
 He waits us as missionaries to bring them to his feet, 
 Then he says Come, Come, Come. 
 Now why will you linger, or why will you wait. 
 If you are cleansed they cannot hurt you, then bring them to me, 
 I say Come, Come, Come. 
 The world will grow better, if you do your part 
 In helping the sinner whenever you can,
 You can do it if you will, that is Christ's command, 
 Then Come. Come, Come. 

 If you have a word of cheer, 
 That will light the pathway drear 
 Of a pilgrim sister here, 
           Tell her so. 

 Tell her you appreciate 
 What she does and do not wait 
 Till the heavy hand of fate 
            Lays her low. 
 If your heart contains a thought, 
 That will brighter make her lot, 
 Then in mercy, hide it not— 
           Tell her so. 

 Wait not till your friend is dead, 
 Ere your compliments are said, 
 For the spirit that has fled, 
           (If it knows) 

 Does not need, where it has gone, 
 That poor praise to speed it on; 
 There love's endless, golden dawn, 
           Is a glow. 

 But unto our sister here 
 That poor praise is very dear; 
 If you have a word of cheer, 
          Tell her so. 

 Sometime the world seems sad and lonely 
      To the weary passer-by, 
 For he has a heavy burden, 
      That is the reason why. 
 Something sad to him has happened 
      On his journey home, 
 But this to him may prove a blessing 
      As he goes further on. 
 The negro in this country thought 
      That his lot was very hard, 
 To know his lot was cast in bondage 
      But he put his full trust in the Lord, 
 And like all other work he does 
      He heard the mournful prayers; 
 He heeded them, he answered them, 
      And in his time he set the captive free. 
The Ohio Federation is a grand and glorious band 
Of noble colored women who invade this father-land; 
They have taken a grand stand in making a demand 
For their offsprings of this land justice. 
They are making a great sacrifice, but mean to win the prize; 
Makes no difference what it costs them they mean to live or try 
To make the future better, or they will know the reason why; 
The only thing they're asking now is justice. 
We will let the awful past alone and act as we call wise; 
We are willing to work hard and make most any sacrifice 
Or do anything we can to help our race to rise, 
But all we ask at any hands is justice. 
We feel that we are right in making this demand, 
Our fathers worked and shed their blood to make this country grand; 
They have fought in every battle and are willing yet to stand, 
And all they ask this country now is justice. 

We think at last we have a friend in Roosevelt, the president; 
He stands for right, a hero bold, as he knows all races have a soul, 
As chief executive of this land he makes this stern and last demand, 
And means it, too—for every man justice. 
As women of Ohio state we open up a broader gate,
And ask each state to federate, and this will make us stronger;
When every state is organized and all are fighting for this prize; 
Then you will hear our women loudly cry, we must have justice. 

One of our race's great lights has gone out to the world, 
No more he will flourish his pen with a whirl, 
As a poet he'll live and shine like a star, 
In the hearts of his race, Paul Laurence Dunbar. 
Yes, he has answered the call that comes to us all, 
Only young, it is true, but his life's work is done, 
Though his name will live and shine like the sun,
As though his life had just begun. Our noted Paul Laurence Dunbar. 
Is he missed, yes he's missed in the hearts of his friends. 
      And that mother that loved and watched o'er him to the end. 
Is sad and heart-broken that you may depend. 
When she thinks of Paul Laurence Dunbar. 
Our Savior that cares for the beast and the birds, 
Will tenderly care for that mother on earth, 
That has brought such a treasure to the credit of her race, 
As our noble, Paul Laurence Dunbar. 
Now when he is laid in his last resting place,
And followed with sad hearts, bathed in tears, 
It will long be remembered, years upon years,
The death of Paul Laurence Dunbar. 
 Oh! Wilberforce, our star of hope, 
      We love and adore thy name; 
 Many find knowledge within thy courts 
      And are wielding a sword of fame. 
 Just think in a half century, 
      How proud we ought to be, 
 Of a noted place like Wilberforce, 
      Sound aloud the jubilee. 
 Long live the name of Wilberforce, 
      May she shine as bright as the sun, 
 At the end of a whole century, 
      As if she had just begun. 
 Many bring credit to this our race, 
      From thy broad and open doors, 
 They hail from South America 
      And from Africa's dark shores. 
 They come from foreign countries, 
      They come from the isles of set,
 To be taught at our noted Wilberforce 
      And to the olden Jubilee. 
 Let us strive to do something for Wilberforce, 
      And add to her great name more; 
 With her towering halls and libraries, 
      And her museum a perfect store. 
 With her choir of heavenly voices, 
      Giving God's great name all praise, 
 With ambition, brain and honor 
      Her students take this day. 
 With culture and refinement, 
      With modesty and grace, 
 With push, pluck and ambition. 
      Each student fills his place. 
 Three cheers for our dear old Wilberforce, 
      Three cheers for its faculty brave, 
 Three cheers for its loyal president, 
      Three cheers for its heroes in the grave. 
 Can we forget the founder, 
      Of this grand and noted place?  
 Dear Bishop Payne the hero, 
      May his ashes rest in peace. 
 Not only him but others, 
      That have gone to their resting place. 
 And their soul with God that giveth, 
      All happiness and peace. 

 Another conference year has passed,
      And we are yet alive; 
 Our lots not with the dead are cast,
      For Heaven we all strive. 
 Dear bishops, what a privilege 
      To deal with God in prayer, 
 To send His shepherds to the field 
      For loving flocks to care. 
 May God inspire your heart to work 
      In vineyards day and night, 
 And with Him only for you shield 
      To take up arms and fight. 
 May you take new courage now 
      To conquer in the fight,
 With God as refuge in your front,
      Make Satan take his flight. 
 And when you in new fields have gone 
      And the gospel you have proclaimed, 
 And bade poor sinners come to Christ, 
      To love and praise His name. 
 When you have finished your work on earth, 
      And the Master has called you home, 
 May your life be spent in saving souls, 
      Then you will have overcome. 
 May we all meet on yonder shore, 
      Where conference never ends, 
 With Christ as bishop at the head. 
      And we His children blest. 
 Dear bishops, then your work will cease; 
      Dear ministers, then you'll rest. 
 And all of whom have kept the faith 
      Will go home and be blest. 

 This country needs more noble men 
      That will stand for God and right; 
 That, willingly, their aid will lend,
      To stop this country's fight. 
 More sun crowned men, that fear the Lord, 
      That will the law, enforce. 
 More men, that read and love his word— 
      Men, that pursues this course. 
 More men of principle and prayer, 
      Not men that wants a name. 
 More men working for the cause 
      And not for worldly fame. 
 But men that are willing to sacrifice, 
      To help this country's needs. 
 Men that will stand up alone— 
      Their loving lord, to please. 
 We want more men that studies law 
      That will the law, obey. 
 That will shuder at the thought of crime 
      In any form or way. 

 Men not afraid to trust the Lord. 
      That will take Him at His Word— 
 That will own Him in their offices 
      And His name in their homes be heard. 
 And in election time not beer and wine 
      Should control the voting polls. 
 Let principle with good and right— 
      Not, friends, silver nor gold. 
 Then peace will reign all over the land 
      And men will do the right. 
 Then take God for your guide and shield 
      And He will stop the fight. 

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