African American Poetry (1870-1928): A Digital Anthology

"Survey Graphic" (March 1, 1925 Special Issue) (1925)

The March 1, 1925 issue of Survey Graphic was a special issue dedicated to "Harlem: Mecca of The New Negro." It was guest-edited by Alain Locke, and was later expanded and reprinted as an independent book as The New Negro: an Interpretation later in 1925. The special issue contained numerous illustrations by Winold Reiss, and essays by Alain Locke, James Weldon Johnson, Charles S. Johnson, Rudolph Fisher, W.A. Domingo, W.E.B. Du Bois, Albert C. Barnes, Arthur A. Schomburg, Melville J. Herskovits, Walter F. White, Eunice Roberta Hunton, Elise Johnson McDougald, and others. 

Page images of the special issue of The Survey Graphic can be found at the University of Minnesota library's website here.

Many of the poems included in the special issue of Survey Graphic were in a special section devoted to poetry with the header, "Youth Speaks." Some poems were also printed in connection with particular articles (two poems by Claude McKay appear with W.A. Domingo's essay "The Tropics in New York"; Countee Cullen's "Heritage" has its own header and appears with photographs of African art from the Barnes Foundation).

Poems included in Survey Graphic include: 

Claude McKay, "The Tropics in New York" 
Claude McKay, "Like a Strong Tree"
Claude Mckay, "Russian Cathedral"
Claude McKay, "White Houses"
Claude McKay, "Subway Wind"
Claude McKay, "Baptism"
Countee Cullen, "Heritage" 
Countee Cullen, "Harlem Wine"
Countee Cullen, "To a Brown Girl"
Countee Cullen, "Tableau"
Countee Cullen, "To a Brown Boy"
Countee Cullen, "She of the Dancing Feet Sings"
Countee Cullen, "In Memory of Col. Charles Young"
Countee Cullen, "A Brown Girl Dead"
Anne Spencer, "Lady, Lady"
Angelina W. Grimke, "The Black Finger" 
Jean Toomer, "Song of the Son" 
Langston Hughes, "I, Too" 
Langston Hughes, "Poem" ("We have to-morrow...")
Langston Hughes, "Song" ("Lovely, dark, and lonely one")
Langston Hughes, "Dream Variation"
Langston Hughes, "The Dream Keeper"
Langston Hughes, "Poem" ("Being Walkers with the dawn and morning...")
Langston Hughes, "An Earth Song" 
Langston Hughes, 'Sea Charm" 
Langston Hughes, "Jazzonia"
Langston Hughes, "Our Land"


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