The Kiplings and India: A Collection of Writings from British India, 1870-1900

Lockwood Kipling Column, Allahabad Pioneer, February 10 1874

Our Bengal Famine Relief Meeting is fixed for Saturday afternoon next. Sir Philip E. Wodehouse will preside, and although I do not hear of any great exertions being made to whip people up, I am confident that both Europeans and natives will come forward in a helpful and generous spirit. When one thinks of the horrible torture of slow starvation, and tries to realize the fact that thousands of human creatures are in imminent danger of being ravaged by a dance of death in one of its most agonizing forms, many of the things with which we occupy ourselves appear trivial. And more than ordinarily do I feel tempted to apologize for the little murmurs of the burgh it is my business to report. The Holkar, after having thoroughly done Bombay--and a mortality fatiguing process the Maharajah found it--leaves today for Niphar. He contributes Rs. 7,000 to the relief fund. The Bombay Gazette has discovered that Mr. Dadabhoy Nowrojee--how death-sick we are of that illustrious name!--is not a Dewan after all, but possesses some other title which, while it allows him to control and advise the Gulcowaree policy, does not challenge the interference of the English Government. The Times of India says the Gazette talks nonsense. The new Chief Justice of Baroda, a native barrister, has opened his court and will draw a large salary. Mr. Hormusjee Wadia, another barrister, is appointed secretary to Mr. Dadabhoy at a salary of Rs. 1,000 per mensem. Mr. Narrayen something jee or dass, from Rajkote, is employed on the same terms, and Mr. Nana Morojee, late Magistrate in Bombay, is offered a responsible post on liberal conditions. So if the Gulcowar does not get reform, it will not be because he has not paid for it. 


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