(To You — Everywhere! Dedicated)
- They seem to smile as others smile, the masquerader’s
- art
- Conceals them, while, in verity, they’re eating out their
- heart.
- Betwixt the two contending stones of crass humanity
They lie, the fretted fabric of a dual dynasty.
- A single drop, a sable strain debars them from their
- own,-—
- The others — fold them furtively, but God! they are
- alone.
- Blown by the fickle winds of fate far from the traveled
- mart
- To die, when they have quite consumed the morsel of
- their heart.
- When man shall lift his lowered eyes to meet the moon
- of truth,
- Shall break the shallow shell of pride and wax in ways
- of ruth,
- He cannot hate, for love shall reign untrammelled in
- the soul,
- While peace shall spread a rainbow o’er the earth from
- pole to pole.