Visualizing Ezra Pound's Early Poetry: by Amardeep Singh


[Intertextual: inscription from La Vita Nuova by Dante] 

"E tuttoque to fosse a la compagnia di molti, quanto alla vista."

Sometimes I feel thy cheek against my face
Close-pressing, soft as is the South's first breath
That all the subtle earth-things summoneth
To spring in wood-land and in meadow space.

Yea sometimes in a bustling man-filled place
Me seemeth some-wise thy hair wandereth
Across mine eyes, as mist that halloweth
The air awhile and giveth all things grace.

Or on still evenings when the rain falls close
There comes a tremor in the drops, and fast
My pulses run, knowing thy thought hath passed
That beareth thee as doth the wind a rose.

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