African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

James D. Corrothers, "To Joseph B. Foraker" (1907)

We hail thee, valiant chieftain from the West!
Lo! twenty years we've seen thee dare to be
A knight! Tho' some might stoop to sly necromancy
For power in statehood, still thy soul's high quest
Was honor for the land thine honor blessed,
And justice for her sons of every degree.
Branding great wrongs and false "diplomacy,"
Crusader, thou hast served thy country best!
The race must die that hath no noble men;
Ideals, not idols, make a people great!
"Do justice, tho' the heavens fall!" again
The Roman call that roused the listless state
Thou sound'st, and, crying: "Shame to give men less!"
Hast put thy race on trial by nobleness.

Published in The Voice of the Negro, June 1907

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