African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

A.D. Delaney, "Schakhe's Immortal Leap" (1907)

(Author's Note: It is stated that during one of the atrocious slaughters of the Armenians by the Turks, after Ggryo's heroic defense of Andakh for six days, Schakhe, the devoted wife of the commander, knowing of the ravages already committed against her people, and believing their condition helpless, called all the women around her, with their children, and, as they stood on the edge of a stupendous precipice, she thus addressed them: "Sisters, you must choose between falling into the hands of the ghoulish Turks, and forgetting your homes, husbands, honor and religion, or following my example, take your children with you and plunge to death." Having thus spoken, the immortal Schakhe leaped below with her children, each of the other women following her in turn, until the last one lay a mangled corpse—a Christian martyr.)

"Follow me, follow me,
Follow me downward!
On through Lethean vale,
Where'll come no Moslem's trail,
Where'll cease all earthly wail,
Follow me downward!

"Sisters, this choice is yours;
Turn back to your own doors,
Outraged by fiendish Moors,
Virtue discounting;
Or earthly life eschew,
Celestial life in view,
To thine own selves be true
Heavenward mounting!

"What anguish have we borne!
Sons, husbands from us torn,
Now desolate and forlorn,
Why hope for better?
Soon death can end our woe
In yon deep gulch below;
Then peace to us will flow,
Broken the fetter.

"See! Cello Bey is near;
His warlike host I hear,
With trumpets loud and clear,
Marching for slaughter.
They come in savage hordes,
With gleaming spears and swords,
List! These their cruel words:
'Kill every daughter!'

"Not to Mohammed we
Bend low with suppliant knee,
But to the Deity
God, Saviour, Spirit.
Him we shall e'er adore;
And Him we now implore
That when our days are o'er
Heaven we'll inherit.

"Let us repeat the cry;
Let us for freedom die,
While all the saints reply;
'Islam must perish.'
May the glorious cross be seen
By Abdul -Hamid e'en
As by Great Constantine
This hope we cherish.

"With unabated breath,
Leap, though awaits us death;
For that foul craven saith
We must be taken.
Then on with hastening feet,
Make our escape complete,
Knowing that Christ we'll greet
When we awaken!"

Then held they high in air
Their children. To the care
Of Him who heareth prayer
Commended their spirit;
And with unabated breath,
Down to the gulch beneath,
Down, down they plunged to death,
Heaven to inherit.

Oh, ye angels of the sky,
Bear the blessed news on high,
For the right they dared to die
Give them swift pinions!
Tell their noble deed in song
To the great and blood-washed throng
All the heavenly hosts among
Crown the Armenians!

[Shorter College, North Little Rock, Arkansas] 

Published in The Voice of the Negro, March 1907

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