Asian American Little Magazines 1968-1974: By Amardeep Singh

Gidra 2.4 (April 1970)

Table of Contents

Editorial: Marks One Year of Gidra

"Gidra is one year old this month and it seems appropriate, on this occaions, to critically review and evaluate the accomplishments of the past year and to restate the goals and purposes of Gidra in light of the experience gained.

"Our initial objective was to bring about understanding through the exchange of ideas. We felt that any idea or opinion deserved to be heard, regardless of the language used. We soon found, however, that people got hung-up on the language and would consequently  ignore the ideas expressed. the furor created by the use of 'profanity' during the recent Asians Americans for Peace rally in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, is an example of how people react so strongly to the language that they forget the ideas being expressed. 


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