Asian American Little Magazines 1968-1974: By Amardeep Singh

Bridge 1.1 (July-August 1971)

"Bridge is published bi-monthly by the Basement Workshop, Inc., 34 Elizabeth Street, New York, NY 10013, an independent, non-profit, cultural organization of Chinese professionals and students on the East coast.

Table of Contents Excerpt from Editorial: 

"A lone Chinese man arrived in new York City in 1807. The chinese in 1971 are still alone. Set apart from fellow Chinese by family background, by dialectal differences, by political outlooks, by a university degree -- or lack of it ... Set apart from the rest of the American society whi their Chinatowns of pagoda roofs and commercial bustle, in the suburban mahjong sesions, in the social clubs and student associations on university campuses ... Set apart by political impotence, for traditional Chinese distaste for politicians and historical discrimination have combined to produce a virtual exclusion of Chinese from U.S. political life... Set apart by the subtle discrimination and verbal racial slurs that have replaced the murderous rampages of old....

Isn't it about time the terrible aloofness of the Chinese is destroyed? And a bridge built--between chinese and Chinese, between Chinese and the larger society? 

We believe it's time to build such a bridge." 

The issue contains an advertisement for Amerasia Journal and the Asian-American Resource Center (i.e., the Basement Workshop). 

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