Go to Pfaff's!

Chapter 9 Notes

 1. Pfaff's was established at its new location at 653 Broadway by August 5, 1865, because on that day Charles Pfaff began advertising his newest place in the NYSP as a saloon with a "summer garden." See New-York Saturday Press, "Pfaff's!! Pfaff's!!," 15,  

2. Martin Hyman, "Where the Drinkers and Laughers Meet: Whitman's Literary Lair," Seaport: the magazine of the South Street Seaport Museum 26 (Spring 1991): 61.  

3. "Pfaff, Charles. Retail Liquor Dealer and Eating House Keeper," Division 12, Collection District No. 6 of the State of New York. May 1, 1864, Ancestry.com, U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc., 2008; "Pfaff, Charles, 653 Broadway, 12 gallons, Imported Spirits," Division 12, Collection District No. 6 of the State of New York, May 1864, Ancestry.com, U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862- 1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc., 2008, http://www.ancestrylibrary.com/.  

4. Courrier des Etats Unis, "Chs. Pfaff. a l'honneur d'informer [ . . .], Notice, June 20, 1864, 4.  

5. See, for example, "Charles Pfaff's Restaurant, 647 Broadway, N. Y," Advertisement, The Albion, A Journal of News, Politics, and Literature, June 11, 1864, 288.  
 See, for example, "PFAFF'S!! PFAFF'S!! NO. 653 BROADWAY," Advertisement, New- York Saturday Press, August 5, 1865, The Vault at Pfaff's. http://lehigh.edu/pfaffs. Ed. Edward Whitley and Rob Weidman. 8 

7. New York Times, "In and About the City" 2; Parry, Garrets and Pretenders, 33.  

8. Parry, Garrets and Pretenders, 33. The writer of "In and About the City" claims that "[H]undreds of people used to visit his place to taste these edibles, drink his famous 'best' Rhine wine, and get a look at the lions of Bohemia." New York Times, "In and About the City," 2.  

9. The writer even goes so far as to suggest that young Charles Pfaff, Jr. "may yet be President of the United States." See The Night Side of New York, 71.  

10. James L. Ford, "New York's Bohemia," 14; Junius Henry Browne, The Great Metropolis, a Mirror of New York. A Complete History of Metropolitan Life and Society, with Sketches of Prominent Places, Persons, and Things in the City as They Actually Exist (Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1869), 159; "Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, "Metropolitan Gossip Vanderbilt and Drew, a Contrast--The Easter Festival--Sunday Music--The Opera--Female Manias--Suicide … Ariel. Subtitle is "Jardin Mabille," April 18, 1868, n. p., http://infotrac.galegroup.com.proxy.lib.uiowa.edu/.  

11. New-York Saturday Press, "C. Pfaff's.—This Famous Bohemian resort [. . .]," August 5, 1865, 9. The Vault at Pfaff's. http://lehigh.edu/pfaffs. Ed. Edward Whitley and Rob Weidman.  

12. The Night Side of New York, 71.  

13. James L. Ford, "In Bright Bohemia," The Daily Inter Ocean, Illustrated Supplement, November 13, 1892, 2, http://infotrac.galegroup.com.proxy.lib.uiowa.edu/; G. J. M., "Bohemianism," 9.  

14. See, for example, New-York Saturday Press, "PFAFF'S!! PFAFF'S!! No. 653 BROADWAY," Advertisement, August 5, 1865, 15. The Vault at Pfaff's. http://lehigh.edu/pfaffs. Ed. Edward Whitley and Rob Weidman.  

15. The Night Side of New York, 71.  

16. Ibid.  

17. Cummings, "'Bohemians' and 'Tips,'" 3.

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