African American Poetry (1870-1928): A Digital Anthology

Countee Cullen, "From Life to Love" (1925)

Four winds and seven seas have called me friend,
And countless roads have known my restless feet;
Deep crystal springs and pollened buds were sweet
For sustenance their princely fare to lend,
While nameless birds from grove and blossomed bend
Deluged my soul with song; if it were meet
To love Life so, then Love will but complete
My joy, for Live with Love can never end.
Love, I have heard the sweet of your voice, have seen 
You pass the dawn-flushed singing hills between;
Now suppliant I kneel and pray you show
The mercied sceptre favored Esther saw;
The dawn in my has broke, and well I know
That Love is king and creed and Persian Law. 

Published in Opportunity, January 1925

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