African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

Effie D. Threet (Mrs. Effie-Threet-Battle), "June" (1909)

[Editor’s Note: This poem was published under the name Effie Threet-Battle. However, for consistency we are printing it under the name she used to publish most of her poetry earlier in the decade, Effie D. Threet.]

Nature blushes 'neath the gaze
   Of the ardent sun,
Earth is teaming o'er with praise;
   Summer has begun.

Birds are flitting to and fro,
   Singing forth their lays,
Filling all the earth around
   With their notes of praise.

Roses now are open wide;
   Perfume fills the air;
Sunbeams kiss the lovely face
   Of the lily fair.

See the dewdrops on the grass,
   Sparkling in the light,
When the brilliant sun appears
   Chasing off the night!

What fair visitor is this
   Who has come to earth,
Bringing with her birds and flowers,
   Love and joy and mirth?

   List upon the floating breeze
Comes the birdie's tune,
As he answers back to me,
   "'Tis the rosy June."

Published in Colored American Magazine, June 1909

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