African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

Will H. Hendrickson, "Cova Up Yo' Head, Honey" (1906)

DE snow am jes' a fallin', an it's gittin' mighty col',
   Covah up your head tight, honey;
De house am jes' a-shakin' lak he gittin' awfu ' ol',
   Covah up your head tight, honey;
De win' is jes' a-singin' in de ol' fiah-place,
An' he's gwine 'roun' de conahs lak he's in a race,
So yo' bettah quit a-blinkin' an' hide yo' face,
   Covah up your head tight, honey.
De owl down in de jungle am a-keepin' mighty still,
   Covah up your head tight, honey;
De 'possum in de sycamore is 'bout to hab a chill,
   Covah up your head tight, honey;
De raccoon am a-ramblin' t'rough the lonely wood,
I t'ink he'd fin ' some shelter if he only c'u'd,
'Cause I know dis storm not feelin' so very good,
   Covah up your head tight, honey.

De goblin am a-runnin' fo' to fin' a place to stay,
   Covah up your head tight, honey;
De buggah bear is hidin' jes ' outside do do',
An 'he's watchin' fo 'de bad dat lives hear, sho',
But he ain't a-gwine to git him ifhe's bad no mo',
   Covah up your head tight,honey.

Published in Colored American Magazine, February, 1906

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