African American Poetry: A Digital Anthology

Lucian B. Watkins, "Voices of Solitude" (Full Text) (1903/1907)

[Editor's Note: this file needs formatting and correcting.] 


My motto through this life I choose to be Evolution! The light amid the darkness 'round I see- Evolution! The steady view and mental quiz, A delving for the truth there is, A building up to loy and bliss — Evolution! 


Autobiography 9 
Introduction 17 
The Vale of Solitude 19 
My Mother's Picture 22 
Love 23 
The Beauties of Woman 24 
The Siren 26 
The Manly Man 28 
The Libertine 29 
The Flower at My Window 31 
The Household Queen 33 
The Man With the Gun 35 
To the Sighing Winds 37 
One of Earth's Few 40 
Only a Little Curl 41 
Rocked on the Waters of the Deep 42 
To the Ocean Pacific 45 
Paul Lawrence Dunbar 47 
Little Golden Pen 48 
To One of the Brave 49 
The New Leaf 50 
"Ever Faithful to You" 51 
The Sunlight of Temperance 53 
The Drink-Slave 54 
"Looking for Work" 56 
The Debtor 58 
A Dedication (Booker T. Washington) 59 
The Hand That Guides the Plow 61 
Toussaint L'Ouverture 63

San Francisco's 18th of April (1906) 65 
An Ode to the Christian Martyrs 67 
A Memorial (Frederick Douglass) 68 
Life's Day 69 
Pantheon 72 
A Major Chord 73 
A Minor Chord 75 
Time's Chord 77 
Sharps and Flats 78 
A Dirge to Ancient Rome 79 
The Dove 81 Voices of the Waves. 84 
The Miser 85 
The Spendthrift 86 
Anita 88 
An Elegy to John Brown 94 
The Treasured Curl 95 
Uncle Ike's Opinion of Winterpock's College 97 
The Faded Leaves 100 
Christmas Morn 101 
"I Love You, Too" 102 
Have I Done Wrong? 104 
A Divided Love 106 
My Father's Letter 108 
Thanksgiving no The Frozen Rain in A Winter's Sunrise 112 
The Death of a Soldier-Comrade 113 
Scaevola 119 
Imagination (Essay and Poem) 121 
Retrospection 124 
Teach Me 126 
"Rest in Jesus" 127 
THE !!! 128


In compliance with the wish of many friends, I have consented to the publication of these products of my heart and pen, the reading of which, I hope, may lead many to feel the emotions that prompted me to their production.

It has been said, "Necessity is the mother of Invention." I say that Solitude is the mother of Poetry. I speak of solitude in a special sense. I do not intend to imply that one must necessarily be apart from mankind, but I speak of that secluded, quiet communion with the imagination such as the heart often enjoys regardless of environment. In such times of solitude and re- flection my heart has often been moved to overflowing, and the trifles of this little volume are the deluges that have found expression in words.

My selections are all brief. Just faint touches upon the heartstrings of Human Nature. They all bear my own originality. Not one is an imitation. Though, doubtless, many of the chords have been sounded before, since "there is nothing new under the sun," and we must all harp upon the same strings; yet, there are as many different "touches" as there are players, and the melody of each harper bears a certain unique characteristic. This little book is "touched" with the will of my ardent desire to reach the thought-centers of humanity, and, that these may find here motives tending toward the illustrious influences of good thoughts and deeds. Should this result be obtained, in any degree, I shall not have striven in vain.

L. B. W. Chicago, 111., February 5, 1907.


"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips." We who are inclined to speak overmuch of ourselves seem to feel in these words an open rebuke by the wise Solomon. Yet it seems if one can. only resist the impulse to soar away upon the evil winds of egotism into the vain clouds of auto-laudation, he may be permitted to walk cautiously about the peaceful valley of truthful simplicity.

I have no reasons to offer in defense of present assumption as an autobiographer. I feel that my life has been insignificant and, upon my part, void of much good. But the vernal years of man's allotted "three score and ten" have just passed over my head, placing thereon — even in their swift flight — many of the silver threads of life's autumn. Should there be the blessed visual realization of life's summer in store for me, I hope to grow into a life of real usefulness.

My father's name is Henderson B. Watkins. The maiden name of my mother was Emeline Brooks. Humble, praying, Christian parents from the lowly log cabin of slavery. "Joined together" in those benighted days of servitude, and, subsequently, legally confirmed. Both of them secretly learned to read print, and were devoted readers of the Bible. Neither of them learned to write. My father became a successful miner. My mother was an acknowledged efficient cook and a competent nurse. Upon the summit of industry, perseverance, fortitude, goodness, kindness and womanliness my mother's life rises before me — an amatory personage.

According to the "birth record" of our family Bible, and the unquestionable statement of my parents, I was born May 25, 1878, in Chesterfield County, Virginia, at a small settlement called Otterdale, about twenty miles from Richmond. I am the youngest but two of the family of fifteen children. Soon after I became seven years of age my parents gave me a McGufifey's Primer, and one bright Monday morning I was sent with my older brothers and sisters to the first school that I ever attended. I shall never forget how proud and happy I felt that "first day in school." My older sister had taught me the alphabet. I could read and spell quite well.

This school was taught by one Mr. Gray, a man who was kind in disposition, noble, magnetic and impressive in his bearing, and a worthy teacher. My young heart was drawn toward him with the tender liking of true friendship. My studies became a pleasure; thus my launch upon an educational sea was replete with pleasures that I am always glad to recall. I do not think I gave my teacher much trouble with my studies, as I found myself at the end of my first session in school ready for the Third Reader, with other studies accordingly. For three suc- cessive sessions I attended the same school, with the same teacher. The next session I attended the same school, but had a lady teacher, one Miss Tucker, who had been an advanced pupil of Mr. Gray's school during my preceding school days. The following three sessions I attended another school, taught by my older sister, Leora, the one who taught me the alphabet, and to whom I dedicated "The Household Queen," of this volume. Sister Leora was also formerly a pupil of Mr. Gray's school, but afterward graduated from the Summer Normal Course of "The Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute," of Petersburg, Va.

In December, 1891, my mother died. I was then thirteen years of age. I think I was my mother's favorite. O! those thirteen years in the sunshine of mother's love ! I now look back through the dim mists of years and see the smiles! hear the voice! feel the caresses of MOTHER!

Soon after my mother's death I began to study crayon portraiture and automatic shading pen work. Having made fair progress with these studies, I made a portrait of my mother. From this portrait I received the impulse that led me to write "My Mother's Picture." This was my first attempt at verse-making, and was written when I was thirteen years of age.

About this time my older brother presented me with an organ and I began to study music.

My parents had early talked of sending me to college some day, and in September, 1892, I was sent to "The Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute," Petersburg, Va. My sister, Leora, bore the greater part of my expenses ; a portion I paid by doing janitor work at the school. My entrance examination at this school was creditable, and I found it comparatively easy to keep up with my class. This session at college having been in every way favorable, and my desire for an education being awakened, I endeavored during the intermission from the close of school in May to its re-opening in September, to earn enough money to return to college. In this I failed, but earned enough money to buy the books sufficient for the class in which I would have been had I returned.

I had heard a college professor tell how he at one time, while obtaining an education, found himself with insufficient means to return to college ; and that he bought books and pursued the studies of his class, personally reporting and successfully taking each examination, finally graduating with his class. This I endeavored to do. I succeeded in this to a great extent but, unlike my hero, I did not report to take the examinations; whether I would have graduated with my class or not is one of the untried things that must ever be unknown.

About this time I received my inspirations of Christianity, and joined the Baptist church. Soon after this I wrote mv second selection, "The Vale of Solitude." Then followed "The Beauties of Woman," "The Flower at My Window," "The Faded Leaves," "The Frozen Rain," "Uncle Ike's Opinion of Winterpock's College," "A Winter's Sunrise," "The Household Queen," "Retrospection," and others.

In my life there is one love. This is manifested in the selections: "A Divided Love," "The Treasured Curl," "To the Sighing Winds," "Love," "I Love You, Too," and " Ever Faithful to You."

In the summer of 1897 I passed successfully the examination for public school teacher. I taught school the following two sessions.

May 25, 1900 (my twenty-second birthday), I left home, in company with a cousin and two other young men, for the Chamberlin Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Va., where we had been promised engagements as waiters. Being the least experienced of the four of my company, I soon became discouraged in my attempts at waiting, despite the fact I was treated kindly and assured that I would become a successful waiter. But my despondency increased daily, until I, at length, left that hotel and went to Baltimore, Md., in which city one of my brothers lived. In this city I was engaged as waiter at the "Old Town Hotel." One month's work at this hotel gave me new ambitions for hotel work. I afterward served as waiter at the "Florence Hotel," Philadelphia, Pa.; lastly, at the "Queen City Hotel," Cumberland, Md.

Led by the love of adventure and travel, coaxed by the hope of experience and the ac- quisition of knowledge, driven by the pangs of a seemingly hopeless love, August i6, 1900, I enlisted in the service of the United States Army. I was assigned to the Tenth Cavalry. For my first soldierly training, I was sent to Fort Clark, Texas. A few months later I was assigned to Troop " F" of the Tenth Cavalry then stationed at Fort Mcintosh, Texas. The next day after joining my troop I was detailed as clerk at the post Adjutant's Office. Later I was detailed troop clerk.

April 15, 1 901, I embarked with my troop, at San Francisco, Cal., for foreign service in the Philippine Islands. We arrived at Manila May 13, 190 1. I served in the campaign against the Philippine insurgents on the island of Samar, May, June and July, 1901. After about one year and four months service in the islands we were surprised by an order directing our troop to return to the United States. After returning to the States, we were stationed at Fort Wash- akie, Wyo. (a post then about one hundred and fifty miles from any railroad). This being an Indian reservation I learned many curious and interesting facts in regard to the customs of this race of people. During school session while serving at this post I was assistant teacher of the post school. While here I wrote the military record of the First Sergeant of my troop. It was published in the February number of "THE COLORED AMERICAN MAGAZINE," then published in Boston, under the title of "The Life Story of a Typical Fighter." By request, I also contributed articles and poems to "THE ARMY AND NAVY UNION JOURNAL" of New York. Among them — "A Recruit's Resolutions," "Fort Washakie," "The Man With the Gun," and "To One of the Brave." I remained at this station until the expiration of my term of enlistment (August 15, 1903), at which date I was given an honorable discharge, showing for me an "excellent character and absolutely temperate habits." During this service in the Army I completed a course of "Advanced Bookkeeping and Business," with the " National Correspondence School," Washington, D. C.

December 21, 1903, I re-enlisted for service in the Hospital Corps, Medical Department, United States Army, and was sent to the " Hospital School of Instruction," Washington Barracks, D. C. Meanwhile, I attended night school at the "ARMSTRONG MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL," Washington, D. C, and pursued a course of stenography and typewriting. Having completed the prescribed course at the "Hospital School of Instruction," I was sent to Fort Assinniboine, Mont., for duty.

October, 1904 (nine months and a few days after having entered the Medical Department), I passed successfully the examination for Hospital Sergeant. November, 1904, I received the appointment.

January 25, 1906, by special request, I was again sent to the Philippine Islands. During this service I was engaged in much actual hospital work in the field. This was during the pulejanes insurrection on the island of Leyte, July, August, September and October, 1906. Deciding to leave the army service, I was returned to the United States and received my second discharge January 3, 1907.

"VOICES OF SOLITUDE" breathes all that is dear to me in life. Every good emotion of which my heart is capable is 'in each line, and is a part of me.

LUCIAN BOTTOW WATKINS. February 5, 1907,


Dear Readers: —  In my heart abides
Fond Hope, who has a little son —
His name is Wish, and more besides
He seems to be a pleasant one.
He seems obliging in his way —
Although he is a little lad —
He comes and offers me to-day
A service — but his face is sad.
He says he'll bear this little book
And place it in your busy hand ;
Perhaps, you'll, by his honest look,
His earnest motives understand.
The little fellow cannot talk
(This I forgot to say before),
A mute from birth ; but he can walk
And look the things he would im- plore.
He always tries his best to please,
And make you smile approvingly;
For by this act he always sees
You take his faults excusingly.
But when you've learned his noiseless speech,
Indeed, this peaceful little elf
Will well explain this book,
and each of all his signs is truth itself.

He'll tell you of the mournful day,
In th' early morning of my youth,
When mother went from me away
Up to the heavens above, forsooth!
He'll tell you of the day
I wrote "My Mother's Picture" when I stood
Before her photograph to note
This noble view of womanhood.
He'll tell you of my Christian birth
Down in the Vale of Solitude ;
And of the friends of noble worth
I've met in life — so kind and good.
He'll tell you of the girl I love,
And how her love has helped me live ;
How all the pretty stars above
Have lent me songs to sing and give.
He'll help you see in every way
The many things that bid me write;
How hard I try to do and say
What e'er may give the brightest light.
You'll treat him kindly, now, I know
And please this little bearer's heart;
Then in his little bow he'll show
Another well accomplished art.



Sweet, silent, Vale of Solitude! 
Secluded, quiet, rest! 
Oft thee I seek with serious mood 
Of thought within my breast. 
Thou beaut 'ous plain amid the hills 
Where sunlight's dancers play; '
Tis here a fragrant odor fills 
The air with breaths of May. 
A dreamy breeze here gently blows, 
As if from angels' wings; 
The sweetest songs that 
Fancy knows 
Here in this vale she sings. 
The flowers here all seem to know 
A heart when it is glad ; 
They seem to laugh when one is so, 
And weep when one is sad. 
The chymings of its gentle streams 
Bear beauty's imagery 
Of wasted loves, wars' blood-stained dreams — 
Sad trophies for life's sea !

 Its lifeless stones lie motionless, 
Yet preach their sermons, too, 
Of dead souls that no Life confess, 
Though e'er so near the true! 
Great sentinels of massy hills — 
With summits' golden heights — : 
Vale's jew'led thoughts rich luster fill While in their upward flight.-- 
The spirit of this dreamy plain  
Harm'nizes with each heart;  
Each pleasure, sorrow, joy or pain ' 
It seems to share a part. 
The Savior sought this quiet place
(Gethsemane was there) 
A seriousness was on His face 
As here He lay in prayer. 
Then all the flowers closed their eyes 
To check their tears of grief, 
A gloomy shade was o'er the skies. 
And breathless every leaf. 
A guilty sinner once I lay 
Upon this sacred ground ; 
All gloomy shadows cleared away 
When peace — sweet peace — I found!
 With sighs of grief and songs of joy 
This spot I oft have sought ; 
For nothing here seems to annoy 
While I am wrapped in thought. 
Oh, let me in this vale seclude, 
For 'tis a place I love ! 
The sweet, sad Vale of Solitude leads all my thoughts above.


Oh, if thou could' st speak to me, 
My mother dear! Silent are those lips 
I see — No voice I hear! 
Mother dear — oh ! dost thou know 
How my heart yearns for thee so? 
When from earth I'm called to go 
May I not fear. 
Thy dear love — oh, I do miss, 
Beloved one! Now I never feel thy kiss 
When day is done! Thou art gone now as a dove, 
Gone to realms up above, 
But, now longing for thy love 
Is thy dear son. 
Mother, since thou left me here 
Some years ago, 
Oft this world seems dark and drear '
I Down here below. 
Mother dear, farewell! I trust 
When to leave this world I must, 
When my body lies in dust 
Then thee I'll know! 


O, Love! Love! Love! mysterious strength! 
 Weak e'en is death to ever quench 
Thy glowing, pure, magnetic light. 
The strongest heart hath not the might 
To e'er resist thy entrance there. 
Thy reigning force ne'er fails to bear 
Its fruit fulness. 
Thou art the true 
Essential of the heart; and through
Thy inclination's kingly will, 
Is blended with another, still, 
And now the twain become but one — 
Thus is thy happiness begun — 
And though thy days seem oft so bright, 
Thou sometimes casteth shades of night; 
And in these days of seeming gloom 
The dregs of thy sweet cup assume 
The taste of pain and cruel ache! 
But these dark days dost only make 
The bright ones brighter; and the bad 
And bitter dregs — so truly sad — 
Dost make the sweets but sweeter still. 
And thus thy joyous spirit fills 
Thy hearts with all thy peace's refrain. 
Sweet happiness dwells in thy pains ! 
The blessing of a dreamy bliss 
Is centered in thy magic kiss! 
I fain would have thee dwell with me 
Through Hfe and death — eternity!


O, woman of virtue! sweet woman of love! 
As heavenly manna sent down from above 
Your wonderful actions are thus to the world ; 
Then may your love's banner — no never be furled, 
But gently waving through ages of time, 
May e'er it be seen in its motions sublime. 
Affectionate woman of truth and pure light ! 
You ease many pains and dear homes you make bright; 
And often your tender, sweet voice may be heard 
Consoling the sad with an angelic word, 
And tenderly soothing the weary through life, 
Thus lovingly cheering his pathway of strife. 
Sweet woman, you wept o'er the Savior, of old, 
And washed His feet with our tears, we are told ; 
You wiped them dry with the hair of your head — 
Put on them a costly sweet ointment, 'tis said; 
Kind woman, then may your dear ministering hand 
Ne'er cease noble actions o'er all of the land.

 Good woman of beauties so noble and true! 
The hearts of this world will ne'er cease to love you, 
But always will cherish your name while on earth — 
Through sickness and sadness or pleasure and mirth ; 
And when time is over and all things must die 
I know you will rest in the "home bye and bye."


Fond mistress o'er the very dreamy treasures 
Of Fairy's love, your shining golden wand 
Each wave e'er summons captivating pleasure 
That don your form and luring jeweled hands. 
The smiles of stolen sweets play in your dimples, 
And at your will fling bright, delusive plights — 
A silv'ry web — invisible and simple — 
To do your bidding — capture vain delights. 
To please you now the colors of the roses 
Glide o'er your cheeks; and those of lilies fair 
Rest on your brow. Fair Nature even poses 
And brightest sunshine lingers in your hair. 
Your teeth e'en seem fair sisters to pure white- ness; 
Your eyes with diamond twinkles seem to speak 
Beneath their silken lashes' veiled brightness — 
A pictured love of trueness, kind and meek. 
The magnetism of your presence only 
Invites your victims to their certain fate, 
For with your fatal weapons false you fondly 
Insnare the hearts for which you lie in wait.

 Slaves to your charms of winsomeness' devising, 
Rejoicing with each kiss of loveless love 
That plays upon your ruby lips, disguising 
Your wit's sweet Falsehood's cooing of the dove. 
Love's noblest monarchs tangle in your webbing, 
Each counts your heel a blessing on his head 
Each fairy day, until the cruel ebbing 
Of your affections shows the husks you've fed! 
Dark, blighted lives! great bleeding hearts! lamenting — 
Cursed with your sinful life, and with a night 
Dark as the tomb ! — Your left hand these resent- ing, 
Next victims now you're greeting with vour right ! 
Wot id's noblest hearts are but your tiny toys 
To baffle, fling aside — forsooth, you can! 
Yea, e'en the tender love of thoughtless boys 
Oft count amid your conquests of the man. 
Your days will end! Your fairy wand will perish! 
We shudder at the fate that 'waites you then! 
Oh ! while the breath of fleeting life you cherish 
Consider! turn! and view a happy end!

 O, Maniy Man! born of Perfection's Hand 
With all the beautitude of soul-blown purity ! 
O, Noble Man of blessing to your land, 
Filled with Love's magnetism of sincerity! 
O, Gentle Man! Aye! go where e'er you can 
You'll always find a welcome sweet of loyalty! 
O, Knightly Man! your presence seems to fan 
The glowing flames of worth and royalty. 
O, Honest Man! a little lower than 
The angels is your place of usefulness ! 
Yea, Godly Man! e'en when the world began 
There was prepared for you a peaceful rest !


Monarch over weakness, 
Emperor o'er the fair; 
Conqueror of the helpless — 
Falsehood's artful snare. 
Forceful magnetism — 
Willing all you crave — 
Forcing brows of innocence 
In your false love's grave. 
But, this grave is darkness — 
Though the guise be light — 
What may seem day's brightness 
Is but, in truth, a night. 
Into eyes of seeming 
Maidens look and read 
Truth where lies are lurking, 
Love where only greed. 
Soon the cruel moment 
Comes when they do know 
Falsehoods such as dreaming 
Makes a blinded show.

 Broken hearted victims! 
Saddened lives of sin! 
Weep your tears repenting, 
Better lives you'll win. 
Libertine reveling, 
Will you thus enthrall 
While you hear appealing 
Reason's earnest call?

 O! my heart now feels so cheerful as 
I go with footsteps light 
In the daily toil of my dear home ; 
And I'll tell to you the secret that now makes my life so bright — 
There's a flower at my window in full bloom. 
It is radiant in the sunshine, and so cheerful after rain; 
And it wafts upon the air its sweet perfume. 
It is very, very lovely ! may its beauties never wane — 
This dear flower at my window in full bloom. 
Nature has so clothed it in such glorious array, 
And it does so cheer our home, and hearts illume ; 
Its dear mem'ry I will cherish though the flower fade away — 
This dear flower at my window in full bloom.


She looketh well to the ways of her household; and eateth not the bread of idleness. 
Her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her. — Prov. xxxi., 27-28 


Let Other poets sing about the queen that wears the crown, 
And sits upon a shining throne with dignity's renown ; 
But my song to queenly woman is to her who comforts home 
With a cheerful heart of sunshine, by industry with her broom. 
By the pure and wholesome dishes that her careful hands prepare, 
By the rocking of her cradle, with contents so precious there ; 
By the love she sheds around her. making life so gay and bright 
For those of her dear home circle who at home feel pure delight.
 Thus to her I sing in glory, for to her 'tis justly due; 
All through life may many blessings rest on her so kind and true. 
In the bright celestial city, glowing with sweet love serene, 
When ends here her earthlv mission, there will rest the HOUSEHOLD QUEEN.


With a look of stern demeanor, "duty" stamped upon his brow; 
Every muscle of his body seeming conscious of his "vow; " 
There we see beside him Justice — ("Only right is right," quoth he) 
At a distance near her lover we behold sweet Liberty. 

Meek and queenly Peace is poised on his head, so brave and true — 
There it sings sweet songs of dreamland, where 'tis joy and comfort, too; 
Thus he stands with e'er the pressure of the world against his breast — 
Do you wonder why he never wearies — never sighs for rest? — 
See his mother, sister, father, brother, friends and sweetheart dear '
Mid the multitude behind him — looking to him from the rear! 

Then he must not — cannot falter, for whene'er he coward grows
Justice dwells no longer with him — strikes for him no other blows; 
Liberty, his pride — his dear one, then from him is torn away —
(Death to him is far the sweeter than to live as worthless clay) 
Peace now hushes songs of pleasure, lifts its light, fantastic wings 
With a song of sad heartbreakings — lo, a farewell song it sings! 

Hark ! what sounds are those of wailings strike so mournfully his ear 
Like the weird notes of night-birds from some v/oodland brown and sere? 
Ah, alas! 'tis those behind him, now oppressed and full of fears — 
And with confident assurance they have looked to him for years! 

O! we cannot view such horrors! from this dream let us awake. 
View the patriot now nobly standing for his country's sake. 
He is earnest, true and faithful, he will face all dangers there; — 
When you're in your secret chamber breathe for him these words of prayer
"Thou, O God, who art his Captain, grant him strength — this noble one 
\Til Thy order— 'Blow the Trumpet; faithful man, lay down thy gun.' "


O, sighing winds! now in thy journey over hills and far away, 
Wilt thou bear a message for me — whisper what I bid thee say 
To my many friends and kindreds far away in distant land, 
Thinking of me in my sojourn on the banks of the Rio Grand? 
Wilt thou whisper — murmur softly, while thou'rt passing oft the way 
Where now dwells my dear old father with his head silvered with gray. 
Fan his venerable forehead with thy calm, sweet, breath of 
Hfe, Tell him I am gently passing through this world of toil and strife ? 
Tell him though the fatal bullets of some battle wild and fierce — 
While they strike the marks of marksmen — one this heart of mine may pierce

 Bid him — oh! if this should some day be the tidings of his son 
Only hft his voice to heaven crying — " Lord, thy will be done!" 
Then there is a dear and fair one — wilt thou grant this earnest plea — 
As thou passeth in thy journey pause and speak to her for me ? 
Surely, surely, thou must know her, such a sweet and charming one, 
With a head of silken tresses, smiles as bright as yonder's sun; 
Eyes of dark and sparkling beauty, face so picturesquely fair. 
And her merry peals of laughter fill as silv'ry bells the air. 
Surely, thou dost know I love her, and she loves me just the same, 
And I have her dear sweet promise that she'll share with me my name. 
Wilt thou calm and gentle zephyr, put my silent thoughts in words ? — 
I know thou canst bear them for me faster than the fleetest birds. '
Mid the many things thou beareth, with a whisper soft and low. 
Tell her I will come back someday, if God wills it to be so. 
Tell to all my friends and kindreds that I'm striving to be true.

 Hoping that I may with honor wear this uniform of blue.
Gentle breeze so calmly passing, softly whisper all I've said;
In my sojourn should death take me, gently bear the news, "He's dead."

 Written While a Soldier at Fort Mcintosh, Texas. 
 White as are the whitest hues — lo ! thou art as pure!
Bright as are the brightest jewels thus thy hfe is seen ;
As the brightest gleam of sunshine enters any door,
Just SO welcome is thy presence, truly ideal queen.
Nobler moral standard never this vain world e'er knew
I am forced to say thou, really, art one of earth's few.
Kind words of sweetest music, such thou hast in stow.
Cheery smiles of sunny brightness dost thou daily wear;
Many lives thou maketh lighter through this world of woe.
Many hearts exclaim, "God bless thee" in this life of care.
In the day of separation of the false and true
I believe thou wilt that morning be one of earth's few.

 While a Soldier ovi the U. S. A. Transport, "Logc En Route to P. L 
 Only a little curl of darkest hue !
Only these silken strands that are but few,
Cut from amid companions where they grew
A woman's glory.

Bright glossy curl ! dear little silken tress !
Fond memento! no king can e'er possess
A greater gift ; nor ever words express
A sweeter story.

Ah! I received thee from the faltering hand
Of one I knew in far and distant land,
When distant journey was the stern command
To "boys in blue." Only a little curl, was my request —
"I know not whether it be wise or best,"
She said, "but with this token may there rest
A friendship true."

 Rocked on the waters of the deep, briney blue,
Oft I am tossed by surging, foaming billows, too ;
When drear skies are 'bove me, with the wind's thrilling sound,
Loud roaring waters then I hear all around.
Rocked but not gently with a mother's lulaby —
Oh, for such rockings oft my heart heaves a sigh
Deep as this ocean! Ah, this loved one is dead!
On the Pacific I am rocked now, instead.
Rocked on the waters of the blue briney deep,
Sometimes the streaming moon and stars seem to weep,
As over shining waters there seems a bright
Flowing stream of silver tears reflecting the light.
Rocked now amid the beauties of Nature's scenes ; —
Sunrise's bright golden colors with shades between,

 Bright streams of golden glimmers of setting sun,
Dark shadows of the evening when day is done.
Rocked 'mid sweet dreams of dreamland o'er waters' wave,
Bright shining visions of the dear One who saves ;
His tender care and presence on the wide deep
Give all who know His mercy sweet, peaceful sleep.
Rocked 'mid the pleasant and sweet dreams of the past,
To my interior vision they come so fast
O'er these dark waters from the land far away —
Sweet dreams of Hfe when it was one cloudless day.
Rocked, and each moment as the time passes by,
Thus I am moving on between land and sky ;
These weary rockings take me far, far away
From many friends and kindreds — sad, sad to say!
Rocked o'er these waters for it is the command,
And I have pledged obedience with "upraised hand;"
Far o'er these waters there is work to be done
By many soldiers — of which I am one.
Rocked while the saddest hearts repine, but in vain —

 Sighs and emotions from the hearts that remain
Far, far behind me, yet their love I can feel
Bound ever 'round my heart as strong hoops of steel !
Rocked, moved with rockings, o'er the waves' swelling tide,
While o'er these foaming waters I slowly glide,
Sad hearts behind me, cease — oh, cease to repine !
Wait for my coming from this "world o'er the line!"
Rocked, but more roughly, by this world's swelling tides,
Rocked by life's tempest — roughly tossed, yet, besides ;
Rocked on life's ocean of the unfathomed deep,
Rocked 'til the final day of one "lasting sleep."

 Wondrous blue and briney ocean!
As I o'er thy bosom glide,
Oft I watch the swaying motion
Of thy surface far and wide.
Peaceful ocean ! oft it seemeth
When thou art so calm and free,
Surely Fancy never dreameth
Sweeter dreams than this of thee.
When thy waves but softly tinkle
'Neath the sun's bright, shining rays,
Making diamond studded twinkles —
Nature seems to stand and gaze.
There is one thing I learn of thee,
Though thou hast thy peaceful days,
Oft the sky grows dark above thee,
And thou art not calm always.

 Thou dost have thy days of trouble,
Such as is the way of life,
Days when each and every bubble
Seems a frightful scene of strife.
My life sometimes seems as dreary
As thy waters ever are ;
And my heart is oft as weary
As a fading morning star.
Though my life is often sadness,
Yet, it is not always so ;
For it has its psalm of gladness
Mingled with its dirge of woe.


We were afraid that you would soon be borne away
Upon the sweet endearing breathings of your heart!
We were afraid that you would soon forget to stay
And give to life your lofty, soulful missioned part!
Too true! but — ah! the jeweled breaths with which you sang —
That blew in their soft whispers o'er the tender strings
Of human hearts, the sweet aeolian sounds that rang
An echo as if blown from heaven's angels' wings —
Still linger in the ethics of our souls! Then must
We say you're dead? and can we ever for you weep ?
Ah, no! amid the sacred halo o'er your dust.
We listen to your echoed- breathing while you sleep!

 Written While a Soldier, at San Joaquin, Panay, P. I., for a Friend Who Presented Me with a Fountain Pen for a Birthday 
 Present Little Golden Pen!
Oh, could there from thy fountain flow, expressed in words, all that my heart so often feels !
But, ah! for this I know not how to guide or e'en direct thee!
Thy donor, venerable and hale, hath due the praise for which there never can be words —
Then it is vain to try to say what language cannot let me.
Little Golden Pen ! Since thou art with me now — a souvenir — a token of a friendship tried and true,
Thou, surely, canst e'er render me invaluable assistance ;
When wing expressive thoughts to dwell with me, my hand will guide thee while thy fountain flows
Upon some page where friends may read when I've no more existence.


Written While a Soldier, at Fort Washakie, Wyo., for First Sergeant William Barnes, Troop "F," loth Cavalry, on the Occasion of His Forty-Fifth Birthday

Though forty-five long years, you say,
Have silvered o'er your head with gray,
Your friends rejoice, to-day, that you
Stand hale and hearty in your "blue."
Long for Old Glory you have stood
With truest sense of brotherhood;
Long may you live a useful life —
Noble and true in peace or strife.


On this page of my life's hist'ry, with the help of God I'll make
Brighter, truer, nobler record — strive to follow Jesus' wake.
Thus I'll make my life more useful, with an influence strong to win
Many who are daily drifting in the way of death and sin.
In my journey o'er life's ocean, Jesus, Savior, pilot me
Let thy beacon light of wisdom ever true my guidance be.


Written While a Soldier at Fort Washakie, Wyo.

When e'er I read these words,
Dear Heart, of your sweet valentine,
I'm sure no heart can ever feel a sweeter joy than mine.
"Faithful!" no word can e'er express a truer, greater love —
No tmer constancy than this have angels up above !
"Ever!" ah, then eternally you pledge that you'll be true!
For love's sweet sake, alone, I choose a happy life with you.
Through every sorrow, joy or pain that we in life may meet,
In sweet companionship we'll share — the bitter with the sweet.

 We'll live these words of faithfulness, what e'er our lot may be,
And live that we may after death from earthly stains be free.


Afar it gleams its glowing light,
And wafts its golden beams
From lofty heights that know no night,
From realms that know no dreams.
Within the home its glist'ning rays
Delight each loving heart ;
They sweeten life with joyous days,
And blissful peace impart.
They place upon the mother's face
The smiles of brightest day,
They give the wife her charming grace.
They light the children's play.
They give to life its noble worth,
They sweeten every breath ;
They find true pleasures here on earth,
And smile and welcome death.


Poor Slave ! Great flowing streams of pity's tears
And anguish's sobbing bitter cries,
Are now before your blinded eyes,
Groan in your dizzy, deafened ears!
Poor Slave ! Poor Slave !
The silver threads of years bow low
In token of the prayers that rise
From breaking hearts of wasted sighs-
For you who take this drink of woe !
Poor Slave ! Poor Slave ! 
The love that once you counted sweet 
Now of yourself is not a part !
The soulless pulses of your heart 
Now liiaster vou from head to feet ! 
Poor Slave! ! Poor Slave !
The touch of baby's tender hands
Once found within your heart's re- spond —

 But, now — alas! your sacred bond
Of love you do not understand !
Poor Slave! Poor Slave!
Give back to life the love you owe !
O, break this chain of loveless death!
, will a life of temperate breath !
O, leave this cup of nameless woe! Poor Slave!


The wheel of Time turns slowly o'er and o'er,
The hand of Wealth revels but more and more
In happy comforts and the joyous fill
Of pleasures such as it alone instills.
But, now, a grave foot-sore procession's tread
Falls, as a funeral march upon the dead,
On many heedless ears that hear its cries,
And many thoughtless hearts that hear its sighs.
Yea, heedless of the hunger and the pains
That steal away the spirit of these brains;
Yea, thoughtless even of the starving wives
Now weeping in the background of these lives
Yea, heedless of the bowed heads"of gray,
And thoughtless of the spoiled children's play
That're hidden in the voice at your door
That only asks for work and nothing more !
Yea, heedless of the love that is, indeed,
Now hidden in this life of darkened need;
Yea, thoughtless of the fatal stroke of death
Now hidden in this feeble, pleading breath!

 Perchance, 'tis now you hear the last attempt
Of Sad Despair with every joy exempt!
O, World give now the living that you owe,
That these may something of your comforts know !


Bowed beneath the dead'ning weight of Woe
Crawling 'neath the gaUing yoke of Owe Obligation's hand
Beats him with his wand,
And his restless bed his burden knows !
'Neath stern Justice's ever grinding heels,
In Debt's prison now he sadly kneels
Fettered with Due's claim,
Pilloried with shame !
And no tongue can tell the pain he feels.
Fortunate is he if now he bear
Not a greater burden than this care;-
If his soul is free From sin's misery
He may work 'til life again is fair.

 To you who now so nobly do 
 A noble deed ; 
 Who now instill the virtues true 
 To virtuous need; 
 Whose mission is so truly good — 
 So full of kindly brotherhood — 
 Who live the life you surely should- 
 A trusty lead ; 
 Who early saw that skillful head 
 And skillful hands 
 Should, surely, be in union wed 
 'Gainst life's quicksands — 
 For people whose unhappy state 
 Was, surely, in the hands of fate, 
 Would make a combination great 
 As iron bands. 
 Long may your daring presence live 
 And works instill. 
 Long may your kingly reasons give 
 A forceful will.

 Long may your glowing, useful days Shine forth their bright illuming rays, And give to gloomy lives always A happy thrill.

 Perched upon the beam above the plowshare, 
 Gath'ring from the soil o'er which she glides 
 Food and many other cheery comforts — 
 For she has a sure and trusty guide ; 
 Busy with her many occupations: — 
 Playing with the lightning of the clouds, 
 Peeping at the great and lofty planets, 
 Solving darkened mystery's misty shrouds; 
 Pealing sweetest music o'er her mountains, 
 Shouting now the lyrics of the brave ; 
 Learning all the mighty Laws of Nature — 
 Seeking e'en a "why" for death and grave; 
 Proudly does she polish precious metals — 
 Hoping e'en to make a brighter hue — 
 Donning pretty fashions gay in splendor — 
 Rainbow's, sunset's dress and ocean's blue. 
 Dancing with the glee of childish pleasures 
 Thoughtless in her love of City's whirl 
 Moves the world with pomp and pride — 

 Oft she scorns to be the bride 
 At her benefactor's side, 
 But the hand that guides the plow 
 Is the hand that moves the WORLD. 

 To learn the great achievements in the epics of your Hfe, 
 Or to learn the noble story of your victory- sworded strife ; 
 To learn the supernatural feat with which you struck slave-free — 
 How the Spaniard, French and English bled and groaned about your knee — 
 We only need to go to Hayti — France — where once you trod, 
 And Hasten to the story of the hearts beneath the sod! 
 We need not mock Old Hist'ry for the light he failed to catch 
 From the lustrous streak of glory that o'er- hung your cottage thatched ; 
 We know this cunning artist's white heroes are painted with Honors; 
 but, he oft forgets the shaded counte- nance of myth. 
 The dotted pages of no book can breathe your spotless fame — 
 For 'tis written in the "Milky Way" that marks your noble name.

Soldier and statesman, brave and true, unlearned 
 of book's device — 
 Soul-taught alone, your heart proclaimed, 
 " Freedom at any price!" 
 Words feebly shadow forth the vim that heaved 
 your noble breast — 
 We leave these for the sunbeams' crowns! — to 
 grace your sleeping rest ! 

 << * * * y0 shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, * * * 
 nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against 
 kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, 
 and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the be- 
 ginnings of sorrows." — St. Mark, xiii, 7-8 
 "O, what an awful, awful dream!" A dream? O, 
 sleepy head! 
 Arouse! arouse! electric brain, from this 
 delusive sleep ! 
 Open your eyes upon a truth that churns 
 the ocean deep! 
 That splits asunder even now the mighty 
 mountain's bed! 
 O, sleepy eyes, look and behold yon reeling 
 mass of steel! 
 Yon track-laid paves of broken stones now 
 writhing in their speach 
 Of mighty forces great and strong that they 
 are bound to teach! 
 Ears, 'wake and hear their message, too! heart, 
 drink the trvith you feel ! 

 Hark! what is that? — O, fire! fire! our city is 
 wrap'd in flames! 
 The leaping flames whose awful breath 
 bloweth death so deeply wrought 
 With scorched sounds of human cries; and, 
 of mercy beareth naught ! 
 Who stamps Life's faces with its brand of crisp — 
 unknown names. 
 The Unseen Hand! let us believe, in spite of every 
 About the science that's proclaimed does 
 these great shocking deeds; 
 Life- Words' great prophecies we see ful- 
 filling as they read — 
 All of their deep, mysterious truths we must in 
 wonder grant. 

 In humble reverence and Christian love 
 Before the Greatest of them all we bow, 
 Likewise before the Father of this One ! 
 We see the greatness of this mighty love — 
 The giving of an only Son to die 
 A martyr for the cause of sin ! We view 
 The cruel thorns upon His sacred brow, 
 And crimson streams e'en trickling from their 
 wounds ! 
 We hear the hands of buffeters against 
 His face; the cruel, ringing hammers' sound 
 Upon the nails that pierce His hands and feet ! 
 We praise Him for the faith and mighty strength 
 That He hath given to the noble host 
 Of martyrs who have followed Him, and shown 
 The priceless jewel of His love, so bright 
 And shining to the world! Grim Death canst  bear 
 No sting of terror for such noble hearts ! 
 I now in mem'ry of these sacred hves. 
 Dare this, the veiled shadow of a song. 
 With just the hope that it may mingle with 
 The whispers of the soft and gentle breeze 
 That hover o'er the halo of their graves! 


 In mem'ry of your truly noble life ; 
 In mem'ry of the cause for which you fought ; 
 In mem'ry of your fierce and bitter strife ; 
 In mem'ry of the lasting good you wrought ; 
 In mem'ry of the talents, really great, 
 That found a home within your massive brains. 
 And swayed the thousands of each town and State 
 Who heard your forceful oratory strains; 
 I offer now these simple words of praise — 
 This chord I touch to sound your honor's due — 
 The pathway of your truly useful days 
 Shines now a grand and brilliant light for you.

 Aurora's dawning veil reveals 
 A glimpse of 'wak'ning Day 
 Who opes his eyes upon the world 
 In a curious, wond'ring way. 
 Strange faces 'round about he sees 
 With eyes of truthful vow ; 
 Fond fingers fan away the cares 
 Before they reach his brow. 
 The twitter of the early birds, 
 The freshness of the breeze, 
 The scent of Fairy's flowers, and 
 The blossoms of the trees ; 
 The clatter of the busy world. 
 The lurings of the sea 
 Soon lead him forth, on hands and knees, 
 To see what these things be. 
 Vain butterflies before him flit — 
 He rises in his glee 
 To trip, fall, rise 'mid worlds of books 
 And Nature's misery. 

 A feast of wholesome literature ; 
 Deserts of sweet love coos, 
 And pleasures such as oft he finds 
 Digestion brings distress of mind 
 And storming clouds of blues. 
 His dimming eye now faint reveals 
 A world that changes, too. 
 Bright flowers vanished from the fields- 
 The leaves all colored new 
 The happy thoughts of morn's bright 
 And thoughtless moments' sting, 
 Awake afresh to give him joy 
 And painful reasoning. 
 The dreary, tardy hours creep 
 Into his bending frame ; 
 Upon a cane his waning weight 
 He places, without shame. 
 The shades of night he plainly sees 
 Faint twilight gleams afar ; 
 His brighter hopes grow brighter still 
 At the sight of each new star. 

 They seem to plainly speak to him, 
 " A good fight you've fought, 
 Upon your crown we all shall shine 
 As you have oft been taught." 
 The closing scene now shows a smile 
 Upon his beaming face. 
 And closes now his eyes to ope 
 Within the "better place." 

 The heaven and its glories bright above ; \ 
 The earth with Nature's beauties here below; i 
 The wondrous light of day and veiling shades i 
 Of night ; the glowing sun ; the fiick'ring moon ; | 
 The lofty planets and the tiny stars ; j 
 The eagle up amid the cloudy mists ; ;i 
 The little fish down in the whirling deep ; ii 
 The wisdom's treasures of the very myth i 
 Of Time ; the best that ever will — or can i 
 E'er nestle in the very purest soul ] 
 Of Thine own imaged man — lo, all is Thine! \ 

 Hail Fair Elixir of the heart and mind! 
 Hail Bright Cajoler for the good of life! 
 Your presence gives to all the sweetest kind 
 Of happiness, amid the world of strife. 
 Twin sister to your fairer sister, Love, 
 But with a sweetness truly all your own 
 You bind your hearts with golden thoughts ; 
 and all 
 Are pure; no one is base — a perfect tie. 
 Sad Friend, when e'er you creep into our 
 We do not often greet you with a smile. 
 But, still, we know 'tis thus the Lord con- 
 To chasten — yet, He loves the while. 
 White with the snowdrifted bleaching of 
 Good Deeds. 

 Bright with the sunlit glowing of Pure 
 Sad with the sight of Pity's sorrowing needs, 
 Glad with the hope of blessings inward 

 Vain Pride, Conceit; vain love of Fond Display! 
 Vain pleasures of the world that cannot stay 
 To be our guide when we'll a guidance need 
 To cheer us through Death's Night of darkened 
 Untrue to self, and e'en to love untrue! 
 Yea, false in words and false in actions, too! 
 Great lives are ruined by your sad untruth; 
 Great souls are blackened by your life — forsooth! 
 O, Plaintive Softener of Hard'n'd Hearts! 
 Your mission is, in truth, a one of need; 
 The tender sympathies which you impart 
 To life is one of noble worth, indeed! 
 Hatred, thou art the bitter foe of love ! 
 The petrifying hardener of hearts ! 

 The cruel thrust of Anger's murd'rous blade ! ) 
 The strangling grasp of Vengeance's mere 'less | 
 hand ! i 
 The deadly venom of Jealousy's sweetened cup! | 
 The fatal blow of heartless Envy's club ! : 
 The mortal wound of Guilty Pleasure's plan! \ 
 The darkness that declines to see the light ! \ 
 The wrong that e'er declines to know the right! ,! 
 The hopeless drift that leads to sinful death ! \ 

 Thou hideth in thy bosom many sweets 
 Of joyous past that we so much adore; 
 And many tears of sorrow at thy feet 
 We dropt to thy farewell — forevermore! 
 Thy flitting moments dance before our eyes, 
 And beg that we would wreathe into a crown 
 Their jeweled forms — so like the starry skies — 
 To make for us an emblem of renown. 
 O, sphinx of time, thou flit'h from day to day, 
 Eluding our every grasp — so much 
 As butterflies caress the many gay 
 Sweet flowers, yet evade bright childhood's 
 O, mighty and infinite space of time! 
 O, shrouded myth of hopeful mystery! 
 O, glorious light for righteousness, sublime! 
 O, utter darkness for sin's misery! 
 Bitter pang of sin, I 
 Painful sleeplessness! j 
 Dart of bleeding life within, ] 
 Excruciating stress! \ 
 Smotherer, strangler, slayer of hearts! ! 
 Coercer of ambition — lo, living death thou art! j 
 Scare, quiver and quake; 
 Stare, shiver and shake; 
 A heartless breathlessness you are- 
 A joyless life you make! 
 Guilty sin of heavy head 
 And drooping eyes ! 
 Evaded gaze of sad regret 
 And heaving sighs ! 

 O, Rome! thy flaming annals even scorch 
 Our searching view! Yea, e'en the breath 
 (A lava of corruption, cruel vice, 
 Gross irreligion, sensuality), 
 Of all thy murd'rous tyrants fall 
 Upon the ethics of our very souls 
 And sadly wounds us! yea, it even makes 
 Us shudder in our dreams ! 
 O, Rome! Rome! 
 Why didst not thou, for pity, only keep 
 From us the knowledge's pain that even such 
 Base sins could ever form the faintest part 
 Of human hves? For always in our search 
 For thy bright talents — law, philosophy, 
 Grand architectural arts, the jeweled breaths 
 Of literature — we have to clear away 
 The putrifying carcasses of sin — 
 The murd'rous work of bloody daggers' thrusts, 
 By hands of Envy, Hatred, Pride, Contempt, 
 Ingratitude, Dehumaned Pleasure, Fear, 
 Degeneracy, Insatiatety, Dislike, 
 Debauchery, Ambition, Madness, Fame, 
 Mad Pagan Antichristianity, Disdain, 
 The Siren's Love, Hereditary Vice! 
 The reasons of a serious thinking mind 
 Canst not perform a task so sore unclean 

 Without returning to its fond abode 
 And bringing dizzy tremors to the soul ! 
 Thy Claudius quakes our very souls with fear ; 
 Tiberius even haunts our dreams at night ! 
 Caligula! Our hearts e'en squirm within! 
 Nero ! His name 's breath bears his poisoned sins ! 
 Yet, when our search is finally all done, 
 And at thy grave we view thy ruined heap, 
 We see thy talents' virtues with true light 
 And close thy mausoleum lid of past. 

 Once upon a bright spring morning, 
 When the world seemed at its best — 
 Filled with sweetly scented flowers, 
 Azure skies from east to west — 
 I was walking 'mid the breezes 
 That were blowing 'round about, 
 Fining all the blood within me 
 With its glowing, rich redoubt 
 'Gainst disease and all its kindred; 
 And I felt that in each beat 
 Of my pulse was throbbed a pleasant 
 Thinking mood from head to feet. 
 Then I heard the plaintive voice 
 Of a dove — so soft and low — 
 All its tinv heart seemed mourning: 
 "O----0! O! 0! O o! O o!" 
 Little mourning bird," I answered, 
 " How can you, to-day, be sad 
 While the world now seems so happy, 
 And the flowers seem so glad? 
 And the merry bees are buzzing, 
 And the butterflies are gay ; 
 And the breeze that bears your mournings 
 Wafts the fragrance of the hay? 

 And the glimmers of the sunbeams 
 On your shining plumage rest, 
 Seeking now to learn the secret 
 That is hidden in your breast ! 
 All are guessing for a reason 
 That we think could make you mourn, 
 For we think no heart among us 
 Should be happier than your own. 
 Still while yet we sit and ponder, * 
 For the truth we'd like to know, 
 You repeat your onlv answer;" 
 '"O o! O! O! O o!0 o!'" 
 "Can it be you know the suf 'rings 
 Of the world with death and sin? 
 Can it be 3^ou know the sorrows 
 Of the clashing battle's din? 
 Can it be you know the shameful 
 Stalking of the monster. Wrong? 
 Can you see the sad oppression 
 Of the weakhngs by the strong? 
 Is it true you've not forgotten 
 How a flood did once destroy 
 All the people who were wicked — 
 Who had made of sin a joy? 
 Can it be you see the murderer 
 As he goes about his work; 
 Can it be you hear the clashing 
 Of his deadly, cruel dirk? 
 Can you see the suicides leaping 
 From the brinks of sad despair — 

 From a life of sinful torture, 
 And a life of burdened care? 
 If you hear and know these wailings, 
 And can feel the same, also, 
 I know why you sit in mourning:" 
 "'O o! O! O! O o!0 o!' 

 PORT "SHERMAN, "returning TO U. S. 
 Gay, rolling mists, now leaping in your play 
 A foaming, splashing, white and shining spray; 
 'Tis oft I stand and feast my eyes on you. 
 And watch your gentle, swaying field of blue! 
 But, as I stand and look methinks I hear 
 The voices of your throbbing Pulses stir. 
 As gurgling through the veins of all your thought 
 They whisper now your hist'ry — sadly wrought 
 With wasted loves and battles' crimsoned floods; 
 With sad despair and wreckaged-scattered 
 bloods ! 
 With maiden's honor and with woman's sighs; 
 With youth's ambitions and with man's devise; 
 With secret follies and with mother's prayers; 
 With dizzy pleasures and with burdened cares' 
 With blood-stained glitters of the pirate's gold; 
 With wealth ill-gotten that is 3^et untold — 
 Is this, in truth, your story, surging waves? 
 Are all these secrets hidden in your grave? 

 Bowed in shameful reverence of gold, 
 Quaking with the fear of sudden theft ; 
 Groping with the blinded weight untold 
 Of soulless love and yellow-hearted 
 Starving with the husks of meanly fare, 
 Feasting on the glitter of his hoard ; 
 Clothed with the rags of worthless wear — 
 Shiv'ring fireless oft in his abode. 
 Oft there 're others, too, who share this life. 
 And hear his lie of poverty each day — 
 Children, an only daughter — or a wife 
 Weep with the suf'rings that his gold 
 could stay ! 
 Foolish man ! We pity you. We know 
 The glitter of your gold that now you 
 see — 
 Alas! some day you'll leave it here, and go 
 Crushed by its weight, into eternity! 

 Tripping the time of his frivolous heart, 
 Playing in life a ridiculous part, ; 
 Foolish with money and thoughtless with I 
 health, ! 
 Careless with love and indifferent with \ 
 wealth ; | 
 Heedlessly racing away from advice, j 
 Reveling in pleasures more evil than nice; ! 
 Giddily pacing a dizzy pursuit i 
 Of squandering measures of shameful repute 
 Treating e'en lightly life's serious scenes, 
 While gaily discarding his valuable means ; ! 
 Crazed with Vanity's teachings of fun, 1 
 The sorrows of life and its joys are one. | 
 Merrily laughing when, really, he should cry ' 
 Enriching the vices that surely should die; 
 Trifling away many comforts so sweet : 
 For which the sad paupers now cry in the 
 street ! 
 'Tis a blessing to him when his money is 

 Then if he consider and thoroughly repent ; 
 For if his gay heart in atonement he'll give 
 He'll surely be taught how he really should 

 Far out in the dreamy ocean, by Nature's beauty 
 Lie the Islands of the Philippines — the Flower 
 Blossom Land — 
 With flow'rs that seem most surely blown by the 
 rainbow's magic wand. 
 Their shores are kissed by the foaming waves 
 that race from the dancing seas, 
 As lambs that frolic in their play to their bound- 
 ing gay hearts' ease — 
 They wash the Sand-beach's feet to see just how 
 much they can tease. 
 Tall, massive, sturdy trees here stand, great 
 sentinels of might, 
 That seem to do their faithful watch so bravely 
 •"V;< day and night; 
 One sees in these undaunted forms a sermon for 
 the right. 
 The glowing brightness of the sun ; the chyming 
 of the streams ; 

 The whispers of the leafy trees as the breezes 
 pass — It seems 
 That Nature gives one here a touch of all her 
 fairy dreams. 
 There seems to be a misty spell o'er all the world 
 And all below — and all around — I wonder if it's 
 And if it is the "sweety" kind that poets oft 
 write of! 
 There lived in this bright picture-land, not many 
 years ago, 
 A native maid; I'll try to make her lovely 
 picture show 
 Before your eyes, for I am sure that you fair 
 beauty know. 
 Anita was this maiden's name — her people called 
 her "Nete," 
 And th' love they showered over her to her was 
 always sweet; 
 Her happy heart shone in her hands and dainty 
 little feet. 
 It seems as if the chestnut came and begged its 
 leave to place 
 Within the dimples of her cheeks and o'er her 
 pretty face 
 Its richest hue, that it might here receive her 
 smiling grace. 

 The moonbeams gave their streaming light to her 
 dark and wond'ring eyes, 
 They seemed to cast a flick'ring light twixt love 
 and fond surprise 
 One moment then the next they'd droop as a 
 v/ounded pansy dies. 
 But, of every touch of Nature's hand that made 
 this beauty fair. 
 The greatest glory of them all was clustered in 
 her hair — 
 A blending of the sunbeams' gold and th' flow- 
 ing midnight air. 
 Anita loved a soldier boy, a colored youth called 
 A soldier in her land. He heard a love sigh in 
 each sob 
 When she lisped his name the best she could — a 
 tiny little "Vob." 
 At first Bob seemed as true in love as duty's 
 soldier boy ; 
 They were both happy day by day — but not w4th 
 lasting joy! 
 For when Bob learned of her great love he made 
 her heart his toy. 
 Time brought to Bob these sorrowing words 
 "To America you'll return" — 
 Now on his cheeks Anita's tears fell fast; and 
 seemed to burn 

 Their way into his dizzy brains! — Can he such 
 love e'er spurn? 
 Oh! take me to your dear homeland, "querido," 
 will you, please? 
 I love you and I want to go with you o'er land or 
 "I'll take you with me home, my Love," Bob 
 smilingly agrees. 
 "Let's go before the altar, dear, within your 
 holy church, 
 For there alone can e'er we find the tie for which 
 we search; 
 Let's fly into one little nest on Love's exalted 
 "O, is this, really, true, now, Vob? — oh! say 
 when may we go 
 Before the altar in the church that we, by this, 
 may show 
 The love we've cherished now so long and must 
 so surely know?" 
 Bob named the day, then in her eyes he saw her 
 happy heart, 
 But, lo ! the day he named to v/ed was his evasive 
 For on the day before he knew his home-boat 
 would depart. 

 Time brought, at last, Anita's day and found her 
 all prepared — 
 And at her windowFall the day she stood and 
 looked and stared ; 
 But, Bob ne'er came to greet her there — and e'en 
 the waves were sad! 
 Bob tried to cheer his murm'ring heart while 
 sailing home that day: — 
 "O, well, I could not marry th' girl," he bravely 
 tried to say 
 But his heart rose up and choked his words in a 
 Strang 'ling kind of way. 
 " Come eat your porridge, *Nete,' my dear, 'tis 
 plain this man has lied." 
 " No, no, mama! O, no, papa! I cannot eat," she 
 "I'll wait for 'Vob,' he'll, surely, come to claim 
 me for his bride." 
 Day after day Anita stood and looked, but 
 would not eat ! 
 Grief crept into her dark blue veins and coursed 
 from head to feet ; 
 He stole her breaths of beauty that had graced 
 her village street ; 
 And stole the moonlight from her eyes and fixed 
 dark pools, instead, 
 Of tears so deep and still that shone a tint of 
 evening's red — 

 Also, the cruel sorrow, too, by which her life was 
 He chased the chestnut shades away and gave 
 them to the seas ; 
 He stole the roundings of her cheeks and flung 
 them to the breeze ; 
 And being thus so shorn of strength she sank 
 upon her knees. 
 Thus was she found by Time, who came and 
 brought his servant, too. 
 Death, and he bade him, "Gently take this 
 broken hearted, true 
 And saddened, wasted love away to blossom in a 
 And better world! away from life that's now to 
 her so blue!" 
 "Oh, 'Nete,' please speak to us once more! we 
 cannot let you go!" 
 Her mother, father, brothers, cried — "Don't 
 leave us, love — oh, no!" 
 Her spirit dropped, now, in its flight, her whisper 
 " *Vob,' vouknow!" 

 (The Would-be Liberator) 
 vSleep on! 
 True martyr for your principle of right ! 
 True hero of the cause for which you 
 fought ! 
 True life of lofty, grand, courageous might! 
 Sincerity with manly motives fraught ! 
 Sleep on! 
 Sleep on! 
 Your grand and noble presence here is done, 
 Your noble heart revolted for sweet 
 Your noble march to victory was won 
 When from embittered life you smiled 
 release ! 
 Sleep on! 
 Sleep on! 
 Your choice was death! none would your 
 life enthrall ! 
 You struck for liberty for all your clan ' 
 Your enemies e'en at your scaffold's fall 
 Looked and declared, "Here is in 
 truth, a man!" 
 Sleep on! 

 How dear to my heart is this tress which I trea- 
 Such fond recollections it brings to my 
 mind : 
 I think of the dear loving fingers that cut it — 
 The donor so gentle — so noble and kind. 
 Ah! sweet were the moments I passed in her 
 While roaming through woodland so happy 
 were we ; 
 0, how I admired those dear silken tresses! 
 She knew it, and kindly gave this one to me. 
 So lovely and bright were the trees of the forest, 
 So green were the leaves with the flowers in 
 Fair Nature had clothed the dear woodland with 
 grandeur — 
 Together we scented its fragrant perfume. 
 It seems I now see her all laden with flowers, 
 And hear her sweet nightingale voice soft 
 and low 
 In silvery ripples re-echoing the forest, 

 As sweetly she sang the dear songs I well 
 O, Alice, dear Alice, oft now do I see you, 
 In love's sweetest dreams I behold your 
 sweet face! 
 But when I awake I have naught to console me — 
 Ah ! naught but this curl with its beauty and 
 grace ! 
 Ah ! when comes the day that I lifeless am lying— 
 My soul then departed forever to rest — 
 When friends are preparing my body for burial 
 Oh, may this dear treasure be placed on my 
 breast ! 

 Hab yer heahed 'bout dat norm'l schuul dat dey 
 is tryin' ter start? — 
 De white fo'ks calls de black man a fool, but now 
 he's gwine ter be smart. 
 At Winterpock is whah dey's tryin' ter hab dis 
 schuul located, 
 F'om what I heahed I fink dey's gwine ter hab it 
 des as stated. 
 Dat Rebrent Tyler ober dar is gittin up dis plan, 
 Tell yer de trufe, I see des Avhah dat 'twill be 
 mouty gran'. 
 I heah dey's gwine ter fix it so de scarlars ken 
 larn er trade — 
 Sich as carp'nter, blacksmiff an' sheenest, yer 
 kno' dey '11 be smart wid dat in der hades. 
 F'om what I heahed de tother day de charges 
 gwine ter be small — 

 I tell yer what, de}' re'ly say, six dollers er munt 
 is all. 
 Besize dey'U take yer butter an' aiggs as he'p 
 in payin' debill, 
 An' I spose ef yer poot up sum taters in kaigs, an' 
 grap'l some tunnups out de kil', 
 An' sen' dem ober ter de manager 'would make 
 de bir more small; 
 Den when we sells our backer we could, certny, 
 pay it all. 
 Dey say we wont hab ter dres' our chilluns in 
 finery an' sich stuff, 
 But de cloth we gits free yahds fer er shillin' will 
 be des good ernuff. 
 I finks dat p'int is mouty fine, kase yer kno' dat 
 we aint able 
 Ter dres' our chilluns in ebery kine of fin'ry dat 
 is costful. 
 I specks ter sen' my gal ober dar, sho as I's two 
 foot hi' — 
 Dat gal, I tell ^-^er, br'er Cezar, gwine ter be 
 sup'n bime bime. 
 She's fah f'om bein' er fool rite now — I tell yer 
 dat fing ternite — 

 She's always cerreckin me somehow, an' sez I 
 doan tahk des rite. 
 Whehoo! I didn't fink dat 'twas so late! 'tis ten 
 by dat clock dar; 
 I orter bin gone at eny rate — so good nit<^, br'er 

 Now the days are growing colder, 
 As each day the year grows older ; 
 Seared grass with frost is white — 
 Summer now is out of sight , 
 And the faded leaves are falling. 
 Now the days seem melancholly 
 As we think of things so jolly 
 That have faded from our sight — 
 But 'mid thoughts of things so bright 
 Are the faded leaves now faUing. 
 Just as leaves we all are fading, 
 Just as leaves do now cease shading 
 All must go — aye, one and all — 
 The rich and poor, the great and small 
 As the faded leaves now falling. 

 Come wake up and sing, "All hail to the King," 
 aurora is dawning the sky ; 
 Rejoice and be glad, let no one be sad, let " Peace 
 and good will be our cry." 
 Ye people be gay for this is the day that Jesus, 
 our Savior, was born ; 
 O! let the bells ring, and may we all sing sweet 
 praise and thanksgiving this morn. 
 One afternoon of May's sweet gift, when all the 
 world w^as gay 
 With singing birds and humming bees and 
 flowers' bright array, 
 I sat beside the girl I love of all the world the 
 And held her hand most tenderly, and thus my 
 love confessed : 
 "O, Alice dear, you are, indeed, my first and 
 only love! 
 "The truth of this is known to God and angels up 
 O, how my heart did leap with joy, sweet, serene 
 and true. 
 As in a voice sweet and low she said. " I love you, 
 " I love you, too ! I love you, too ! The angels 
 know 'tis true ! 
 "I am so glad you do love me, because I love 
 you, too!" 
 The music of her loving voice was so sweet to me, 
 As thus she spoke so tenderly these words in true 
 love's key. 
 Long years have passed since that bright day, 
 but ne'er will I forget 
 The one so fair who won my heart — for, O, I 
 love her, yet! 
 I love her, yet, and ever will while 'tis I breathe 
 in life, 
 No happiness will e'er be mine 'till I may call her 
 Long years I've passed away from her, clad in 
 my country's blue, 
 But, soon I'm going back to her who said^ "I 
 love you, too." 

 Father says that he is sorry that I choose a  soldier's Hfe, 
 And he says he feels as if I now am dead ; 
 In the letters from my sister there is oft a doleful  strain — 
 Though she tries her best at cheerfulness, instead. 
 Brother said when last I left him that "the idea  is absurd," 
 Saying "Army life is not for such as you;" 
 I have letters from my friends in which they ask  the question thus — 
 "Tell us why you joined the U. S. 'boys in  blue?' " 
 Have I done wrong, father, sister, brother,  friends and kindred dear ? 
 Have I done wrong, O God of heaven? Am I  wrong? Should I be here? 
 I have letters from the "fair sex" asking, "Is it really, true?" 
 And the dearest of them all pleads " O, come back!" 

 For she says she cannot bear it, since I am so far away, 
 Yet, for years I must remain away — sad fact! 
 And she asks me if I'll leave her there so long a weeping girl, 
 For she says this cruel grief gnaws her sad heart ; 
 And she tells me all the sunshine of her life has vanished now 
 Since it is we are so sadly far apart. 
 Have I done wrong, O father, sister, brother, friends and sweetheart dear? 
 Have I done wrong, O God of heaven? Am I wrong? Should I be here ? 

 I'm feeling sad to-night, love, and I cannot rest 
 in bed; 
 Sleep has fled far from my eyes of misty 
 Why is it I'm unhappy? though your love for me 
 you've said — 
 Ah, there comes to me the bitter thought of 
 years ! 
 vSad will I wander where e'er I go! 
 My love will ever dwell with you, I 
 An undivided love is what I crave, 
 But to my heart such love you will not 
 Though you love me and confess it there's 
 another one, you know, 
 Whom you tell me has a claim within your 
 heart ; 
 O'er these words I oft have pondered, and 
 although it pains me so 
 It is plain that we must ever live apart ! 
 Though my heart will never cease to beat in love 
 for you, my pet, 

 And a happy life I wish you from my heart ; 
 To another's arms I yield you with a longing, 
 sad regret ! 
 Ah, farewell, "first love" if we must Uve 
 apart ! 

 I've a letter from my father. 
 And it is a doleful one — 
 Sad, for, I must say, it is his 
 First to me, his soldier son. 
 Father, do not grieve about me, for I do not fear 
 teps the gun ; 
 Fwill do my duty bravely while I'm now your 
 soldier son. 
 When I left my home in springtime 
 I ne'er thought of enlistment, 
 But when last I wrote my father 
 You can guess the news I sent. 
 "My Dear Son" — thus he commences, 
 " I have just received your news 
 "Be you ever true and faithful 
 "Since it is this life you choose. 
 " Son, to tell the truth, I must say 
 "I now feel as if you're dead; 

 "And must ever have this feeling 
 " 'Til you're home again," he said. 
 "Many of your friends are grieving, 
 "Bitter tears fill many eyes 
 * ' For these strange and sudden tidings 
 "Give us all a great surprise. 
 " Son My Dear, do not cease praying, 
 "Pray and be both kind and brave: 
 "Pray that you may live forever 
 "In the life beyond the grave." 

 O, Lord above, my prayer to Thee 
 Is that my heart, to-day, may be 
 Clothed in sincere humiUty 
 And tuned with pure thanksgiving. 
 Thanks, thanks, to Thee — O, thanks, to Thee! 
 Dear Lord, to-day, my song is thanks, thanks, 
 to Thee ! 
 So many thanks now crowd my mind 
 No words to tell them can I find, 
 But, Thou who art so good and kind 
 Dost know my heart's thanksgiving. 
 Then, as my heart, to-day, dost speak- 
 The contrite heart Thou hath made meek- 
 Accept these thanks though faint and 
 Yet, they are my thanksgiving. 

 O ! the frozen rain upon the ground, 
 Upon the trees and all around : 
 And e'en the tiny bits of grass 
 Are crystal white. What can surpass 
 The picturesque frozen rain? 
 When e'er my eyes this scene behold 
 Sweet visions of the things untold 
 Light up my heart. I can but gaze 
 As, sparkling 'neath the sun's bright rays, 
 I view the frozen rain. 
 These diamond-studded twinkles bright 
 Must be of heaven a sweet foresight ! 
 'Tis not of earth they seem a part — 
 They're food for every anxious heart ! 
 "Enchanting frozen rain! 

 There comes now o'er the eastern hills the 
 glorious sun, 
 His face now glows with radiance of pure 
 He now views man and many works that must 
 be done 
 Before the darkness of the coming night. 
 We gladly welcome thee, O, powerful king of 
 Glad are we now to feel thou art in sight ; 
 We missed thy warmth so much whilst thou 
 wast far away — 
 The warmth thou bringeth with thy bril- 
 liant light. 
 The cold and bitter frost canst not withstand 
 thy gaze, 
 And sheets of ice before thee disappear ; 
 Thou showeth many glories of the God of praise, 
 As daily thou dost shed thy Hght so dear. 

 Among the sad- tinted shadows 
 That've painted for me the past, 
 There's one which in tender touching 
 Is a shade of different cast. 
 I once knew a youthful soldier, 
 Full of hope's ambition and skill ; 
 From his comrades he won true friend- 
 ship — 
 From his cavalry steed — good will. 
 Fast friends we became together, 
 And laughed in our comradeship's 
 way — 
 I'm sure no friendship was greater 
 In David and Jonathan's day. 
 He told me of his home in Ohio, 
 Of a mother who queened this home : 
 Of a sister, I think, and a brother, 

 Who longed that he home would 
 He told me a sweetheart was waiting — 
 This gave me the tenderest touch — 
 I told him of mine, true and loving, 
 Who was longing for me — oh, so 
 One day he came into the office 
 (Where I sat as clerk of the troop), 
 And said he was going out hunting — 
 With pleasure he was ready to whoop 
 I learned that a party of officers, 
 And ladies, and some troop-men. 
 Were going to hunt in the mountains 
 ('Twas W^^oming where we were 
 The party went out for this pleasure, 
 In the late autumn's eve of this State 
 With wagons, provision and laughter — 
 A departure of merriest rate. 
 In autumn the mountains of Wyoming 
 Steal the mantle of cold Winter's 
 By their artful ways of teasing 
 The soft'ning will of the cloud. 

 While hunting, it seems, that my comrade 
 Strayed too far all alone, 
 To follow elk- tracks of such freshness 
 That it seemed but recently gone. 
 He lost his way in the snowdrift, 
 But, ne'er found the game that he 
 sought — 
 His tired limbs became helpless, 
 While his brain had the power of 
 He plowed away with his fingers 
 The cold and cruel snow, 
 In which was hidden the ghastly 
 Great Hand that he soon would know. 
 There was no fire to warm him, 
 And none that he could make — 
 The chilly winds brought for him 
 Their offerings of cheerless ache. 
 He lay with a log for his comfort, 
 And thought of the sweets of the 
 past : — 
 Of mother and sister and sweetheart, 
 Who had now surely seen him their 
 He thought of the pleasures now blighted 
 Ambitions he never could tell — 

 Ah! what means this cold, chilling numb- 
 Yea, the meaning he knew now too 
 At his party's camp he was missing, 
 And a diligent search was then made, 
 But all of one day and another's 
 Daylight was beginning to fade 
 When they found his yet breathing body — 
 Pleading eyes beyond any aid ! 
 At the camp he talked and told them 
 How he wandered away and was lost ; 
 But, no healing art could e'er reach him. 
 Though his party felt keenly the cost 
 In their hearts for the youth now blighted 
 As a flower heart-deadened by frost. 
 Back to post they brought him for burial — 
 My heart seemed to melt in its grief! 
 The sight of his face brought mem'ries 
 From which I could find no relief I 
 The sending to his mother his letters 
 And valuables that she could keep, 
 Was a part of my soldierly duty, 
 And a one that was tearfully deep. 

 He had read me some of these letters. 
 So breathing with fond mother's love ; 
 So^ftiU of endearing " God-bless-you's" 
 That are touched with the mercies 
 O, mother of him who was my comrade! 
 Your blessings I return to your hand, 
 Your boy will need them no more — 
 He's, I hope, in a better land. 
 But, this "bread" that you casted so 
 Upon the waters of Life, which to 
 Is returning — oh, may it be laden 
 With blessings for you all anew ! 
 He was loved by all who knew him. 
 His departure is bathed with the 
 Of many who were 'bove him in the 
 Of his useful, tender years. 
 Look above for your comfort, dear 
 You'll find there one peaceful and 
 deep ; 
 We know that your heart is bursting! — 
 'Tis cruel to tell you, ** Don't weep!" 

 Be resigned to the will of the Father, 
 He'll send then His spirit to heal — 
 The bright star of hope for the future 
 Will make many a woe a weal. 

 All honor to undaunted fortitude 
 Where ever such a spirit breathe in life ! 
 The legendary history of Rome, 
 Of ancient date, relates one truly grand: 
 A Roman youth — One Gacius Macius — /' 
 Resolved to end a certain pressing siege 
 Against his city ; driven by a man, 
 One king Porsenna was his famous name. 
 Into his camp this youth stole secretly, 
 With willed intent to kill this man of war, 
 But by an error killed another who 
 Was secretary for the one he sought. 
 Be'ng captured in this deed he then was brought 
 Before the king who threat 'nd him with fire, 
 Demanding that this youth should tell him all 
 The plots of what the Romans sought to do. 
 "Tell you my people's plots?" replied the youth, 
 "Or 3^ou will place me in your burning flames?" 
 Then, walking silently toward the fire, 
 Thrusted his hand — the right one — in to burn; 
 Unflinchingly he stood 'til it was charred! 
 The king and all his men in wonder stood ; 
 And whispered, "Gods! what fortitude is this!" 

 Go to your people, youth," the king replied; 
 Such dauntlessness shall ne'er burn in my 
 " Scaevola" afterward was called this youth — ; 
 Left-handed lived he for the cause he loved. ' 
 O, what a lesson of courageous vim! 
 A trueness for the principle of right ! 
 Live for the right ! Be maimed, or die for it ! ' 
 " Fear not those who the body kill, but fear \ 
 Him, who hath after death, the power still 'l 
 To cast the soul into eternal flames!" \ 

 An Address Delivered Before a Literary Circle, Manila 
 P. L, November, 1906, by the Author of This Book. 
 I believe, to the average mind the word "im- 
 agination" suggests childish ^'daydreams," 
 fooUsh"air castles/' "idle fancies," and "sweet 
 nothings." Let us see if the word has not a 
 deeper meaning. Let us see if we cannot find in 
 it something of real value to life. 
 pij-st— Imaginations, hke our thoughts, are 
 either good or bad. Bad thoughts debase and 
 dehumanize ; bad imag;inations demonize. Good 
 thoughts inspire noble actions; good imagin- 
 ations actuate great deeds. But, my subject 
 deals with the lofty summit— the acme of im- 
 agination. The beauty of Imagination is the 
 poetry of Life: It is the fragrant breath of the 
 flower ; the whisper of the breeze ; the wooing of 
 the bird ; the murmur of the brook ; the voice of 
 the wave; the awakening tread of spring; the 
 joyous laugh of summer; the crowning gold of 
 autumn's eve, and the spotless shroud of winter. 
 It is the eye of the moon; the jewels of the stars; 
 the glorying pride of day ; the traiUng robes of 
 night; the silver of the moonlight, and the kiss of 
 the sunbeams. 
 Its Influence upon Life: Upon consideration, 
 it is astonishing to note how many of our im- 
 aginations are "possibiHties." Imagination 
 gives to the poverty of youth a sight of the 
 wealth and splendor that may be for him ; to the 
 despairing lover a view of the love and happiness 
 that may be his; to the tired soldier it presents 
 the laudatory sounds of victory that are ahead of 
 him; it reveals the glowing light of Fame and 
 Honor to the longing eye of Ambition. It 
 sweetens childhood's play, and enriches declin- 
 ing age. It is the spark of hope to the work- 
 ing-man, and the lamp of happiness to the 
 millionaire. It is the wolf of want; and the lap 
 of luxury. It is the love-light of mother's eyes; 
 and the heaven under the roof of the lover. It 
 is the hand of Friendship ; and the arms of Love. 
 It is the source of fruitful endeavors, and the 
 root of renow^ned accomplishments. It is the 
 forerunning "will" of the persevering "way." 
 It is the view of sin's torture below, and the 
 sight of celestial glories above ; the view of Death, 
 and the sight of Life; the view of Earth's frowns, 
 and the sight of Heaven's smiles. 
 O, weird, fleeting phantasm of Muse, 
 That playeth 'mid the pearly dews of life ! 
 And through the twink'ling, jeweled portals 
 Of heaven's purity thou soareth oft. 
 And to thy fond abode returneth sweet 
 And dreamy whispers that to Life unfold 
 The smiles that speak of blissful hope, and, of 
 The glowing faith within the blithesome heart. 

 Sweet Dreamer! that rejoices with the songs 
 Of silv'ry twitters that the winged hosts 
 Of earth resound their inward hearts of love 
 And gratitude unto their Maker ! That 
 Dreams 'mid the sun's departing tints to Day; 
 His welcome smiles to Morn's sweet breath; the 
 Of silvered lights of moonbeams' flick'ring 
 To Night; the faultless diamond twinkles of 
 The studded firmament above ; the bright 
 Hued panorama of the covenant 
 Of God to Noah; and, the dancing blue 
 Of ocean's balmy mists; the fragrance and 
 The varied hues of Nature's flowered dress; 
 The sermons of the fading shades of gold 
 Of Autumn's eve ; the lifeless rocks and hills ; 
 The curse of sin; the hand of death; and, all 
 That Life proclaims. 
 Heart of the heart, that feels 
 The warmth of love! Soul of the soul, that 
 Celestial songs, and sees the smiles above 
 Of angels' love ! Sweet of the sweets of Life I 

 Now through dim mists of years I view the past 
 And many scenes of which my heart holds 
 To my interior vision thick and fast 
 They are presented very bright and clear. 
 I see the dear old home where I was born, 
 And where a part of childhood's days I 
 spent ; 
 'Twas there the radiant rising sun each mom 
 Viewed many scenes of quietness and con- 
 There is my dear old father, hale and strong, 
 Moving with gentle tread about the place, 
 While mother sings a dear old sacred song 
 With cheerful countenance and smiling face. 
 There mother, with a loving lullaby, 
 Holds me, her babe, within her gentle arm — 
 Methinks I hear her whisper with a sigh, 
 "May God protect thee, dear one, from all 
 'Twas there my little sister, sweet and kind, 
 Was with me and we played so glad and 

 When ne'er we had a thotight of troubled mind, 
 Nor of the many future things to be. 
 But mother's voice and Httle sister's, too, 
 Are silenced now — no more they speak to 
 For they have long bade me a last adieu 
 And left me lonely here on life's wild sea. 
 But, soon I, too, must leave this world behind — 
 When I have run the mighty race of life — 
 Then may I rest from troubles of the mind, 
 And every daily care of toil and strife. 

 Teach me, O God, the story of Thy Son! 
 Teach me to feel Thy Pentacost within ; 
 Teach me to pray, in truth, "Thy will be 
 done" — 
 Oh, teach me! 
 Teach me to see the world about my feet ; 
 Teach me to hear its music's sweetest 
 strains ; 
 Teach me to know the bitter from the sweet — 
 Oh, teach me ! 
 Teach me a word of loving truth within. 
 Teach me a look to show this precious 
 truth ; 
 Teach me a touch of tenderness to win — 
 Oh, teach me! 
 Teach me the faith that leadeth to the light ; 
 Teach me a song of ever joyous day ; 
 Teach me a step to walk within the right — 
 Oh, teach me! 
 The Dying Words of My Sister, to Whom I Dedi- 
 cated ''The Household Queen," and Who Went to Her 
 ''Rest" March 17, 1903. 
 Dear sister, to "rest in Jesus " 
 You told us you would go ; 
 And now that you've gone and left us, 
 As others have before, 
 We think of these words with rapture — 
 We know your "rest" is sweet — 
 Although our hearts droop in mourning, 
 Farewell, until we meet 
 With you in the great eternal 
 To share with you your "rest," 
 Where there is no pain of parting 
 And ever we are blessed. 
 THE ! ! ! 
 THE END ! wSickle of Time, 
 That's bladed with farewells of many tears! 
 And Nevermore is thine 
 Own countersign to moments, days and years. 
 Thou art the sacred break 
 That marks the sever of the silver cord 
 Of Life. The sad mistake 
 That marks the "might-have-been" where Life 
 hath trod! 
 Where love begins to wane, 
 Thou standeth with the drooping shades of night 
 For that which 3'et remains — 
 The Life's divided shadow from the light. 
 Thou art the period 
 That Nature uses for her written book — 
 Her chapter's marked-retard — 
 The grave of "It is finished's'' parting look. 
 But, yet we find in thee 
 A truly dear and sympathizing friend — 
 The sweetest liberty 
 From sorrowed past — our future hope, THE END! 

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